Events & Activities

There are many ways to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day and create awareness. Attend an event. Participate in an activity. Start your own event and publicize it.

Contact us if you have questions or feedback.

List of Events & Activities

The following are events and activities the community has created for this year to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

2023 Events (230) 21 of 23 pages

Bate papo e Lançamento do livro: Acessibilidade Digital no Moodle Práticas Recomendadas para formadores e professores (In Person)

18 May 2023 | 7:30 PM-9:30 PM America/Sao_Paulo (Cubatão, São Paulo, Brazil)

Já estão abertas as inscrições para o evento “Acessibilidade digital no moodle: práticas recomendadas para formadores e professores”, que acontecerá no Dia Mundial da Conscientização sobre Acessibilidade – 18 de maio, às 19h30, no auditório Professor Carlos Alberto Siegner , no Câmpus Cubatão. A atividade, que é uma ação colaborativa entre o Curso de Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, o Núcleo de Apoio às Pessoas com Necessidades Educacionais Específicas – Napne e o Projeto de Extensão Câmpus Cubatão Inclusivo – CACUIN, contará com bate papo e lançamento do livro: Acessibilidade Digital no Moodle Práticas Recomendadas para formadores e professores. O palestrante, Fernando Barreira é diretor de tecnologia e um dos fundadores da empresa BISTEC Consultoria em Tecnologia da Informação. Professor desde 1995, atualmente em cursos de pós-graduação. Mestre em Educação. Especialidade de Educação e Tecnologias digitais pelo Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. Mestre em Engenharia da Computação pelo IPT (Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas). Pós-graduado em Gestão Estratégica de Serviços pela FGV-SP. Especialista em Datacenter: projeto, operação e serviços pela UNISUL. Graduado em Processos Gerenciais pela Metodista de São Paulo e em Gestão de Tecnologia da Informação pelo SENAC-SP. Público-alvo: Estudantes, servidores/colaboradores do Campus Cubatão, formadores e professores das Redes de Ensino da Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista.

Learn more about Bate papo e Lançamento do livro: Acessibilidade Digital no Moodle Práticas Recomendadas para formadores e professores by BISTEC

GitHub Accessibility Champions (Activity)

19 May 2023

Accessibility Champions will participate in a day of validating the color contrast issues that have been resolved through the recent Primer color update. We’re excited to have a dedicated day for our Champions to go through and bring the backlog down.

GAAD w Fundacji Wspierania Zrównoważonego rozwoju (Virtual)

19 May 2023 | 9:00 AM-2:00 PM Europe/Warsaw (Poland)

Światowy Dzień Świadomości Dostępności jest dobrą okazją do pokazania tego, co w dostępności jest ważne. Dlatego organizujemy w dniu 19 maja serię webinarów, skierowanych przede wszystkim do koordynatorów dostępności. Jeżeli jednak ktoś inny zainteresuje się wydarzeniem, to serdecznie zapraszamy. Przewidujemy 5 webinarów trwających po godzinie. Pierwsze 45 minut należy do prowadzącej lub prowadzącego, a pozostałe 15 minut do uczestników. Możecie zadawać pytania lub odpocząć. Dla chętnych przygotujemy certyfikaty uczestnictwa. Dlatego prosimy o podanie prawdziwych danych w formularzu rejestracyjnym. Certyfikat będzie przygotowany właśnie na podstawie tych danych. Ramowy program wygląda następująco: 1. Agata Gawska przedstawi Planer – narzędzie do przygotowania planu wdrażania dostępności. Na pewno się przyda tym, którzy zechcą sięgnąć po dofinansowanie z PFRON. 2. Piotr Osipa przedstawi narzędzia związane z deklaracją dostępności: generator, walidator i monitor. Jeżeli na jakiejś stronie brakuje deklaracji, to warto ją przygotować w naszym generatorze. 3. Jacek Zadrożny przedstawi proces badania dostępności strony internetowej w oparciu o metodykę zaproponowaną przez W3C. Każdy może zrobić podstawowe badanie, o ile wie, co ma zrobić i w jakiej kolejności. 4. Stefan Wajda zaprezentuje narzędzia wspomagające badanie dostępności stron internetowych. Rozszerzenia, skryptozakładki, żebyście wiedzieli, po jakie narzędzia sięgać. 5. Katarzyna Cimoch opowie, jak przeprowadzić audyt architektoniczny, na co zwrócić uwagę i jak to potem ująć w słowa. Plan wdrażania dostępności i deklarację dostępności trzeba zasilić danymi. Warto poznać rozwiązania, które w tym pomogą.

Learn more about GAAD w Fundacji Wspierania Zrównoważonego rozwoju by Fundacja Wspierania Zrównoważonego Rozwoju

GAAD @ Box (Private/Internal)

19 May 2023 | 12:00 PM-1:00 PM America/Los_Angeles (United States of America)

Box will have a segment on GAAD in our weekly Friday all company meeting. This will include a discussion of Box’s accessibility efforts, and promotion of resources on accessibility and empathy, including interviews with Box users and employees. Additionally, Box will be announcing a new ability-focused Employee Resource Community.

Access Success with Microsoft (In Person)

19 May 2023 | 1:30 PM-3:30 PM (Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam)

Participants of this workshop will explore the various digital accessibility functions and features of Microsoft Office for classroom, professional & everyday use. Guest speaker: Ms Van Anh Huynh, Customer Success Account Manager and Vietnam Lead of Accessibility, Microsoft Vietnam

Learn more about Access Success with Microsoft by RMIT University Vietnam

Editoria di varia, scolastica, universitaria. Come diventare accessibili entro il 2025? (In Person)

19 May 2023 | 3:00 PM-4:00 PM Europe/Rome (Turin, Italy)

In vista dell’entrata in vigore, nel 2025, dello European Accessibility Act, un incontro rivolto al pubblico professionale per presentare i progetti che editori di vari segmenti di mercato stanno realizzando per produrre e distribuire pubblicazioni digitali accessibili. Con: – Andrea Angiolini, Direttore editoriale e responsabile area digitale, Società editrice Il Mulino – Filippo Floridia, Coordinatore produzione eBook, Gruppo Mondadori – Claudia Napolitano, Coordinatore-Responsabile organizzativo, Pisa University Press – Cristina Mussinelli, Segretario Generale, Fondazione LIA L’evento è organizzato nel contesto di Aldus UP (, cofinanziato dal programma Europa Creativa della Commissione Europea.

Learn more about Editoria di varia, scolastica, universitaria. Come diventare accessibili entro il 2025? by Fondazione LIA

HAP celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2023 (In Person)

19 May 2023 | 3:30 PM-6:00 PM (Hyderabad, Telangana, India)

HAP (Hyderabad Accessibility Professionals) is delighted to announce our upcoming event in celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). The objective of the event is to raise awareness about the daily challenges faced by people with disabilities and how accessibility can help overcome them.

Learn more about HAP celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2023 by Hyderabad Accessibility Professionals

Apple and Accessibility: how to improve the EU DigiComp 2.2 standard? (Virtual)

19 May 2023 | 6:00 PM-6:45 PM Europe/Rome (Italy)

iPad and Apple technologies enable us to create an accessible learning environment by giving a concrete response to what the European Union requires in the DigiComp 2.2 skills framework. In this webinar, we will look together at how to use Apple technologies within the first DigiComp standard reference point. During this webinar we will share some simple information on how an Apple technology working in the hands of a teacher and a student can achieve all the five areas of the EU DigiComp 2.2 standard:

  1. Information and data literacy
  2. Communication and collaboration
  3. Digital content creation
  4. Safety
  5. Problem solving

Learn more about Apple and Accessibility: how to improve the EU DigiComp 2.2 standard? by Apple Professional Learning Specialist – Accessibiliy and Inclusion

Digitale Barrierefreiheit & Innovation (In Person)

19 May 2023 | 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Europe/Berlin (51491 Overath, NRW, Germany)

Anläßlich des Global Accessibility Awareness Day laden wir zu 2 spannenden Fachvorträgen ein:

17:00 Uhr ”Adaptive Fashion” von Deborah Brown Majekodunmi (Vortrag auf Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln) Inhalt: Ein sich entwickelndes Konzept in der Mainstream-Mode, das universelle Designprinzipien anwendet, um funktionelle und stilvolle Bekleidungsoptionen für ein breites Spektrum von Kunden zu schaffen, einschließlich Menschen mit Behinderungen und ältere Menschen.

17:30 Uhr “Barrierefreiheit und Innovation” von Beatriz González Mellídez (Head of Accessibility & Digital Inclusion Central Europe – Atos / Beiratsmitglied IAAP DACH / AK-Barrierefreiheit Leiterin bei der German UPA) Inhalt: Wen betrifft Barrierefreiheit? Wo ist Barrierefreiheit möglich? Wie ist die gesetzliche Lage?

Bereits ab 16 Uhr haben alle Besucher die Möglichkeit sich an Teststationen mit Laptops, Mobilgeräten und z.B. Augenkrankheiten-Simulationsbrillen, dem Thema anzunähern. Zudem können eigene Websites und Anwendungen auf Barrierefreiheit getestet werden. Alle Interessierten und Neugierigen sind herzlich willkommen! Leider müssen wir darauf hinweisen, dass unsere Räumlichkeiten nicht barrierefrei sind.

Learn more about Digitale Barrierefreiheit & Innovation by coworking4you Overath-Mitte

GAAD 1402 in Iran (Virtual)

20 May 2023 | 9:00 PM-10:30 PM Asia/Tehran (Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of))

#GAAD1402, This webinar is hold by the usability stage channel and examines the status of accessibility in the production of Persian applications and websites and explores ways to make digital products accessible. To participate, register by this link:

Learn more about GAAD 1402 in Iran by Usability Stage

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