List of Events & Activities
The following are events and activities the community has created for this year to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day.
2024 Events (209) 19 of 21 pages
First steps with PAC 2024, the PDF Accessibility Checker (Virtual)
16 May 2024 | 5:00 PM-5:30 PM Europe/Zurich (Switzerland)
Join our free 30-minute session to learn how you can quickly and easily check your PDFs for accessibility according to PDF/UA and WCAG with the PDF Accessibility Checker (PAC) and ask your questions. We will also introduce the new features of PAC 2024.
Learn more about First steps with PAC 2024, the PDF Accessibility Checker by axes4
Prepare Your Website for New Accessibility Rules Webinar (Virtual)
16 May 2024 | 5:00 PM-6:00 PM Europe/London (Global)
Prepare Your Website for New Accessibility Rules Webinar Is your website compliant with current (and upcoming) accessibility guidelines for your region? If not, what do you need to do to start ensuring your website is accessible, inclusive, and compliant? On World Accessibility Day (May 16), join accessibility advocate and SEO specialist Billie Geena Hyde, accessibility consultant Carter Temm, and Lumar host Matt Hill for this deep dive into how to address current web accessibility requirements. In this digital accessibility-focused webinar session, we’ll cover: Recent (& upcoming) changes to web accessibility rules in the US, Canada, Europe, and beyond — and which industries these regulations apply to. Broader business benefits of improving website accessibility. How to start improving your website’s accessibility now — key technical and content considerations. When: May 16, 2024 (9am PST / 12pm EST / 5 pm BST) Where: Online (via Zoom) How: Fill out the form on this page to register — you’ll receive the webinar link via email (and a recording of the session after the live event).
Learn more about Prepare Your Website for New Accessibility Rules Webinar by Lumar
Panel Discussion on STEM Accessibility in the Indian Education System (Virtual)
16 May 2024 | 5:00 PM-6:00 PM (India)
Welcome to Vision Empower’s panel discussion on ‘STEM Accessibility in the Indian Education System’! Vision Empower is dedicated to making STEM and Computational Thinking (CT) education accessible for children with visual impairments. We are currently collaborating with over 120 special schools across 14 states in India. Our mission is to bridge the gap in STEM education through innovative resources and technologies, ensuring every child has the opportunity to explore and excel in these crucial fields. In this panel discussion, our partners & experts delve into the challenges of making STEM education accessible and the work they are doing to transform the educational landscape for students with visual impairment. Panel Highlights: 1. Challenges in Accessing STEM Subjects: Explore the fundamental challenges a student with visual impairment faces in accessing STEM education. 2. Importance of STEM for Visually Impaired Students: Understand why visually impaired students must pursue STEM, despite its visual nature. 3. Tactile Diagrams: Learn what tactile diagrams are, how they are created, and their role in breaking down barriers in STEM learning for the visually impaired. 4. Innovative Tools and Technologies: Discover the tools and innovations currently available for visually impaired students to study STEM and the additional innovations needed. 5. Learning Management Platforms: Assess the importance of platforms like Coursera, edX, or Subodha in facilitating STEM education for visually impaired students and key considerations for ensuring accessibility. 6. Advice for Stakeholders: Gain valuable advice for parents, special educators, visually impaired students, organizations working for the disabled, and innovators to ensure STEM education becomes universally accessible for every visually impaired child nationwide.
Learn more about Panel Discussion on STEM Accessibility in the Indian Education System by Vision Empower
Inteligencia artificial y su relación con la accesibilidad web (Virtual)
16 May 2024 | 6:00 PM-8:00 PM America/Santiago (Chile)
Súmate a este evento para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Concientización sobre la Accesibilidad. Podrás conocer cómo la inteligencia artificial se relaciona con la accesibilidad web y el impacto que tiene en la vida de las personas con discapacidad.
Learn more about Inteligencia artificial y su relación con la accesibilidad web by 2Brains
Global Accessibility Awareness Day bei hmmh (In Person)
16 May 2024 | 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Europe/Berlin (Bremen, Bremen, Germany)
Wir laden Sie herzlich zum Global Accessibility Awareness Day in den Weser Tower nach Bremen ein. Bei Snacks und Getränken halten unsere Expertinnen drei spannende Vorträge zum Thema Digitale Barrierefreiheit. 1. Mihaela Sartori (Accessibility Consultant) wird eine Einführung in die Thematik geben. Dabei wird sie auf die Key Facts, Zahlen und auf das im Juni 2025 in Kraft tretende Barrierefreiheitsstärkungsgesetz eingehen. 2. Cornelia Sachau (Product Owner) wird anhand eines fiktiven Projektes darstellen, wie Barrierefreiheit über Anforderungen ins Produkt einfließen kann. Dabei wird sie unter anderem Aspekte wie Zielgruppe, Akzeptanzkriterien und Qualitätssicherung beleuchten. 3. Kristin Rohleder (Accessibility Consultant) wird die Barrieren an Webseiten aufgedecken und erste Tipps geben, wie diese behoben werden könnten. Dabei werden ein Screenreader und verschiedene Tools zum Einsatz kommen, mit denen Sie ebenfalls Ihre eigene Webseite am nächsten Tag testen können.
Learn more about Global Accessibility Awareness Day bei hmmh by hmmh
Global Accessibility Awareness Day Meetup (In Person)
16 May 2024 | 6:00 PM-9:30 PM Europe/Berlin (Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany)
Over a billion people around the world have some form of physical or mental disability to deal with. These people have special needs when interacting with digital content. On May 16th, the 13th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) takes place around the world to spread knowledge and awareness about the need for digital accessibility. As part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we at Factorial invite you to an interactive meeting to foster knowledge transfer and exchange ideas on measures for a more inclusive and open web. The programme: 18:00 – Doors 18:45 – Opening session by Niklas Franke 19:00 – Session with Fynn Becker: Forced Colours and Windows Contrast Themes 19:30 – Session: Special guest 20:00 – Closing & Networking 21:30 – End For more information on the GAAD Foundation visit:
Learn more about Global Accessibility Awareness Day Meetup by Factorial GmbH
Una imagen NO vale más que mil palabras (Activity)
16 May 2024 | 6:00 PM-11:58 PM (La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
El objetivo del evento es dar a conocer a la comunidad de profesionales y familias que trabajan con inclusión de personas con discapacidad la opción de “texto alternativo” en redes sociales como Instagram. Se tomará de referencia la acción llevada acabó en 2023 por AccesBoost Brasil publicada en GAAD. Desde Intres centro de día para jóvenes con discapacidad e IA Consultora impulsamos una acción de impacto en la red social Instagram. Se estará publicando una placa negra con la frase “ESTA PUBLICACIÓN CONTIENE TEXTO ALTERNATIVO” el jueves 16 de mayo 2024,18hs Argentina. La misma poseerá activada esta función y en la bajada se explicará la importancia de su uso y como se puede llevar a cabo. A la acción se estarán sumando ambos equipos y colaboradores de los mismos. Si te interesa participar nos pueden escribir a y así recibir el material
Accessibility day (Activity)
16 May 2024 | 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Europe/Madrid (zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain)
in-person and remote event where we will talk with important companies and public administrations about their approach to the ecosystem of digital products
A11y Bytes Melbourne (In Person)
16 May 2024 | 6:00 PM-8:30 PM Australia/Sydney (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
A11y Bytes returns for its 12th year! It will be held on Thursday 16 May as part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Come along for a fun and dynamic evening of lightning talks about digital accessibility and the needs and preferences of users with disabilities. You don’t have to be an accessibility expert to attend. This event is about everyone getting together to talk, think, and learn about digital accessibility and inclusion together. You will also have the opportunity to network with attendees and connect with others passionate about accessibility and inclusion. Events will be lived captioned. Take part in A11y Bytes and connect, be inspired and have some fun as we talk, learn, grow and change the world!
Learn more about A11y Bytes Melbourne by Intopia
A11y Bytes Sydney (In Person)
16 May 2024 | 6:00 PM-8:30 PM Australia/Sydney (Surry Hills, New South Wales, Australia)
A11y Bytes returns for its 12th year! It will be held on Thursday 16 May as part of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Come along for a fun and dynamic evening of lightning talks about digital accessibility and the needs and preferences of users with disabilities. You don’t have to be an accessibility expert to attend. This event is about everyone getting together to talk, think, and learn about digital accessibility and inclusion together. You will have the opportunity to network with attendees and connect with others passionate about accessibility and inclusion. Events will be lived captioned. Take part in A11y Bytes and connect, be inspired and have some fun as we talk, learn, grow and change the world!
Learn more about A11y Bytes Sydney by A11y Bytes