Events & Activities

There are many ways to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day and create awareness. Attend an event. Participate in an activity. Start your own event and publicize it.

Contact us if you have questions or feedback.

List of Events & Activities

The following are events and activities the community has created for this year to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

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GAAD Ukraine (Activity)

16 May 2024 | 12:00 PM-4:00 PM Europe/Kiev (Lviv, Lviv oblast, Ukraine)

Inclusive IT друзів запрошує на Світовий день обізнаності про доступність. В програмі – обмін досягненнями і досвідом боротьби за доступність в Україні та світі. Ми говоритемо і про вебдоступність, але не лише.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day with UXPA (UK) and The Research Thing (Virtual)

16 May 2024 | 12:00 PM-1:00 PM Europe/London (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

A remote lunchtime event to celebrate the 13th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) with The Research Thing and UXPA (UK)! Join us for two talks on practical, applied, accessibility: Building a responsible mindset: activities to engage the whole team (Gabe Fender, Principal Consultant: Product & Design, Thoughtworks) User research with people with dementia (Emma Dyer, Senior User Researcher, Alzheimer’s Society)

Learn more about Global Accessibility Awareness Day with UXPA (UK) and The Research Thing by The Research Thing

Accessibility Training (Private/Internal)

16 May 2024 – 31 May 2024 | 12:00 PM-12:01 PM America/Chicago (Dubuque, United States of America)

On May 16th, we will be launching our internal accessibility overview training. We are excited to bring this to US and Canada this year with the inclusion of Our International colleagues next year. This training will be mandatory for all employees yearly.

LEaD Light Lunch. Let’s Make City Digitally Accessible (Virtual)

16 May 2024 | 12:30 PM-1:15 PM Europe/London (London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

We’re excited to share our progress on the Accessibility Maturity Model and its positive impact on our university campus community. Agenda Highlights: What is GAAD and why it matters Accessibility initiatives and improvements at City, University of London The crucial role of Accessibility Ambassadors Accessibility on MA in Academic Practice Our visit to the Google Accessibility Discovery Centre Hearing directly from our students about their experiences

Learn more about LEaD Light Lunch. Let’s Make City Digitally Accessible by City, University of London

GAAD at British Airways 2024 (Private/Internal)

16 May 2024 | 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Europe/London (London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

This will be our third GAAD event at British Airways. This year we have a pre recorded interview with Chris Patnoe from Google’s Accessibility Discovery Centre in London, the design leads and researchers from our digital teams talking about their approach to inclusive design, we’ll learn more about our Global Contact Centre Accessibility Team and an update on our colleague accessibility programme. This year we’ll be two centred and hybrid to make sure we can reach as many colleagues as possible.

Learn more about GAAD at British Airways 2024 by British Airways

Empathy Lab (Virtual)

16 May 2024 | 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Australia/Melbourne (Australia)

CI&T’s multi-award winning Empathy Lab is an online workshop designed to help build empathy for people with disabilities, whether they be permanent, temporary or situational. This workshop is highly interactive, inviting attendees to participate in a variety of real world tasks using technology with various sensory simulations. These activities aim to get product teams and executives thinking about the impact they have in making technology more inclusive to all. Empathy Lab can help. What participants learn • What accessibility is and why it’s important • Empathise with some of the challenges technology can create for people with disabilities, whether they be permanent, temporary or situational • Identify ways to solve or overcome these obstacles to make the digital experience more accessible • Recognise what you can do in your daily life and work to make the world more accessible • Understand what teams need to learn to integrate it into their daily work

Learn more about Empathy Lab by CI&T

Studieren mit Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwäche – Tools und Angebote für Ihr Studium (Virtual)

16 May 2024 | 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Europe/Berlin (Dortmund, Germany)

Der Workshop richtet sich an Studierende mit Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwäche als Nutzer*innen assistiver Technologie und gibt einen Überblick über hilfreiche digitale Tools für den Studienalltag und mögliche Unterstützungsangebote. Eine anonyme Teilnahme ist möglich, indem bei der Anmeldung in den Feldern „Vorname“ und „Nachname“ ein Pseudonym eingegeben wird. Alternativ kann dieser am Tag selbst im Warteraum des Meetings angepasst werden. Zum Global Accessibilty Awareness Day (GAAD) am 16. Mai 2024 organisiert das Kompetenzzentrum digitale gemeinsam mit verschiedenen NRW-Hochschulen unterschiedliche Aktionen zu verschiedenen Themen der digitalen Barrierefreiheit. Das Kompetenzentrum digitale ist ein Projekt der digitalen Hochschule NRW (, die Konsortialführung liegt bei DoBuS an der TU Dortmund. Es berät Hochschulen in NRW im Bereich der digitalen Barrierefreiheit und vernetzt die Akteure auf der Arbeitsebene.

Learn more about Studieren mit Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwäche – Tools und Angebote für Ihr Studium by Kompetenzze

Web Accessibility Q&A: Simplicity, Testing, and Remediation (Virtual)

16 May 2024 | 1:00 PM-2:00 PM America/New_York (United States of America)

On Global Accessibility Awareness Day, join Lullabot, DubBot, and Iowa’s Department for the Blind, as we discuss common issues affecting real people every day. Bring your questions. Learn about small things you can do that make a big, positive impact on those with disabilities. We’ll discuss keeping things simple, the importance of proper accessibility testing with a diverse user pool, and remediation concerns.

Learn more about Web Accessibility Q&A: Simplicity, Testing, and Remediation by Lullabot

Accessibility Fundamentals Bootcamp (North America) (Virtual)

16 May 2024 | 1:00 PM-3:00 PM America/New_York (United States of America)

In this free, virtual training session on the fundamentals of digital accessibility attendees will learn: -What is digital accessibility and why is it important? -North American compliance guidelines. -How do people with disabilities navigate the web? -How can you champion accessibility to make a difference in your organization today. This training is intended for all audiences; including policymakers, management, content creators, developers, designers, testers, and everything in between.

Learn more about Accessibility Fundamentals Bootcamp (North America) by Deque Systems, Inc.

Achieve Accessibility Excellence in all your Communications: Digital, Document, and Print (Virtual)

16 May 2024 | 1:00 PM-2:00 PM America/New_York (Ogdensburg, NY, United States of America)

Join us for an illuminating webinar as we celebrate GAAD’s anniversary and delve into accessibility solutions that empower organizations to achieve inclusivity and compliance in all their communications. Digital Accessibility from Pre-Launch to Existing Properties Explore solutions that revolutionize accessibility for all your digital properties, including website content, mobile, e-commerce, IoT products, kiosks, and more. • Free software accessibility validation for procurement. • Streamlined compliance with VPAT creation. • Comprehensive website & digital property auditing. • Risk mitigation with litigation support and managed compliance services. Accessible PDF Documents Our CommonLook software suite streamlines accessibility compliance to manage all stages of PDF accessibility. • Create, test, verify, remediate, and manage PDFs. • Raise your PDF accessibility skills with world-class training. • Use our PDF remediation service to fix your accessibility issues quickly. • Empower educators by bridging accessibility gaps. Government-Centric Solutions Learn how Allyant addresses the DOJ’s new rule for electronic documents, website content, and mobile apps, serving as a vital resource for public entities seeking to establish effective accessibility programs. Accessible Print and Production– Comprehensive, Inclusive and Secure Print services that encompass secure and compliant accessible statements, educational materials, and more, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility in both learning resources and vital enterprise documents. • Discover the wide range of accessible formats we provide for your students with disabilities, including braille, large print, eText, and more. • Deliver textbooks & educational materials. • Process accessible billing/account statements. Let our experts show you how to transform your accessibility initiatives with seamless digital, document, and print compliance.

Learn more about Achieve Accessibility Excellence in all your Communications: Digital, Document, and Print by Allyant

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