Celebrem el dia Internacional de la Promoció de l’Accessibilitat

La setmana vinent no és una setmana qualsevol a l’EMAV. S’acaben les classes i a més celebrarem la setmana gran del Curs d’Especialització en Audiodescripció i Subtitulació. Ens han preparat un bingo musical solidari (hi haurà premis!!) i una exposició sobre el cinema musical dels anys 50… accessible! Dues activitats originals, inclusives i creatives per celebrar el final de curs, que coincideix amb el Dia Internacional de la Promoció de l’Accessibilitat. Des de l’escola treballem amb valors perquè el nostre alumnat prengui consciència de la necessitat de tenir en compte totes les capacitats a l’hora de crear. Creiem en una societat inclusiva, perquè el problema no rau en el que no podem fer. L’accessibilitat proporciona un marc d’igualtat de condicions en què tothom ho pot tot. Entre totes i tots aconseguirem aquesta peça que falta i que farà de la nostra una societat més justa i per a tothom! #gaad23 #accessibilitat #accessibility


HTAG is an NDIS Registered Disability Provider in Australia – ENGAGING, ENABLING and EMPOWERING the Disability Community through Capacity Building Life Skills, Digital Skills and Community Access Programs with Community Partners.

QA Consultants Celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2023

For our employees in Canada and the United States, we are hosting an internal webinar to educate and raise awareness about the importance of digital accessibility for people with disabilities. As a company committed to digital accessibility and one of our core professional service practice areas, our expert speakers will cover a range of topics including: 1. Impact of non-accessible content 2. Digital accessibility and causes of most common accessibility failures on webpages 3. The benefits and considerations of the web accessibility business case

Global Accessibility Awareness Day with xDesign 2023

A series of talks and activities being hosted in Both our Edinburgh and Leeds offices simultaneously. This event with be for xDesign staff however it will be recorded and shared on social media afterwards. We will be covering experiential (first hand accounts) and technical (digital build and design) topics one of which will include recruitment.

Let’s facilitate accessibility

It’s lecture demonstration by Dr Shrirang Sahasrabudhe who is accecebility professional

Accessibility Office Hours

Internal office hours event where teams can sign up to discuss their a11y challenges and jump-start their journey to improving their product designs and code!

Accessibility with R Programming

The Exploristics Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team have set up a series of internal events for Global Accessibility Awareness Day to promote inclusiveness and accessibility in all aspects of work. This presentation will be a lunch time style presentation on Accessibility when programming with R. Their are 2 main aims of this presentation: Demonstration a common task using R programming and how to make is more accessible to users. Showcase accessibility tools an R programmer has access to that may be of use to individuals or their colleagues.

Edward Jones celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)

In celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), on May 18th Edward Jones is hosting an internal virtual event to highlight the work done to create a place of belonging for the firm’s associates and clients with disabilities. Speakers will highlight the need for accessible technology, disability strategy, digital accessibility education and promote internal resource group. Webinar will also include a panel discussion featuring branch and home office associates who will share their disability and accessibility experiences and perspectives. Although this event is limited to Edward Jones associates, we are proud to participate in the global movement to make digital accessibility and inclusion a priority for our clients and the firm.

Accessibility? Nothing hard. Training in digital accessibility and simple language for Gov.pl editors

Gov.pl is the official portal of the Polish government, which provides easy access to reliable information and public services online. It is a portal for everyone, without exception, which is why digital accessibility and simple language are so important to us. How do we do it? On a daily basis, we take care of the knowledge and skills of editors who run websites on Gov.pl. We organize regular trainings where we show how to create an accessible portal. We have planned one of such internal trainings on the occasion of the World Accessibility Awareness Day on May 18, 2023. We invited Gov.pl editors from all over Poland.

GAAD Takeover

Flexion’s “Flexcelerate Thursday” will feature a GAAD takeover, with the goal of getting everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion in their respective disciplines.