Come and play Mario Kart with disabled and able gamers alike as we discuss accessbility issues that can affect gaming.
Event Type: Virtual Events
Noam Platt, Chapter Leader New Orleans invites you to join the Makers Making Change community from around the world to learn about assistive design projects and discussions innovations in AT design. The guest speaker for this session is Zee Kesler from Microsoft’s Inclusive Tech Lab.
A Summer of Accessibility is a series of free live webinars delivered by the public sector, for the public sector. Kent public sector partnerships Kent Connects and Smarter Digital Services are jointly delivering these informative sessions. Whether you are new to accessibility or looking for ways to further embed accessibility in your organisation’s culture and working practices, there’s something for everyone in this series of eight 45 minute webinars being held from May to July.
Nepal Internet Foundation and Disability Nepal an initiative to Digital Inclusion Nepal is going to celebrate “Global Accessibility Awareness Day Nepal” for the first time. It will be a joyful event with a welcome program by formal Ministry of ICT, following a useful discussion on the Digital Accessibility of services in Nepal.
Sarthak Educational Trust works towards the empowerment of PwDs since 2008, supporting their journey with a lifecycle approach. Join us for this enriching panel discussion with top accessibility & inclusivity leaders and be a part of this global movement building a world for all!
On Thursday 19th of May Atos will host its 8th annual event to celebrate the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an awareness day focusing on digital access and inclusion for the more than one billion people with disabilities and impairments. The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital access and inclusion. Our aim in Atos this year is to discuss how we can achieve accessibility at scale.
Seit der Einführung der EU-Rechtsvorschriften zur Barrierefreiheit im Jahr 2020 müssen Organisationen des öffentlichen Sektors sicherstellen, dass ihre digitalen Angebote barrierefrei zugänglich sind. Crawford Technologies und Docolution gehen im Webinar auf die Grundlagen digitaler Barrierefreiheit ein, was diese Regelungen für die Erstellung von Dokumenten, neu zu erzeugende oder bereits vorhandene, bedeuten und präsentieren Lösungen und Tools, um den Anforderungen Ihrer Kunden zu entsprechen.
Radio interview about What is Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Why is digital accessibility important and how people can start making a difference when creating digital content.
The University of Sydney Library is hosting a webinar to highlight the development and application of a pioneering voice avatar. Created by Cereproc, the webinar will focus on the experiences of Associate Professor Anna Boucher and how she utilises this AI-assisted technology in her teachings. The panel will also discuss other emerging accessible technologies and accessibility driven innovations, and how they will benefit both staff and students different needs.
Digital Dialogue – Ensuring Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities into the Digital Space 👋 International Sign [CC] Closed Captions
We take this opportunity to ask the question: How to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities into the digital space? The ambition should be clear: Inclusion of and access to the Internet for everybody and everywhere. Join us when a panel of experts will discuss possible ways forward.