Making Waves: Sound design in modern day software

Come join Team Stark and the community for our 2023 GAAD event: Making Waves: Sound design in modern day software

With the expertise of our panelists, we’ll dig into a depth of design which is largely ignored across software — sound. How do you design in the absence of sound, how do you tap the various senses through design, and how do you design when sound is how you can or can’t communicate? With that, we’ll also illuminate that impact (positively and negatively) on Deaf or Hard of Hearing individuals. On the panel: Host – Cat Noone (CEO, Stark); Panelist – Matthew Bennett (former Microsoft Sound & Sensory Creative Director); Panelist – Megan Clegg (Design Leader; former Compass and Nickelodeon)

Housekeeping ahead of the event: We will have an ASL translator for the event. We’ll be using Zoom and will have closed captions enabled. For any questions ahead of the event, please comment them here or send them our way to: ——— Looking forward to hanging and learning with all of you! Team Stark

Twitter Discussion

Aim to raise awareness on the inclusivity of technology to people with disabilities.

Exclusion busting: How disability inclusion can enhance your market research capability, work quality and impact

MRS Unlimited is the affinity group at the Market Research Society to support and progress disability-inclusive market research and researchers. For this year’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day we invite you to a webinar to learn how disability inclusion can make research workplaces and work better. Four MRS Unlimited members will share their experiences personally and professionally to illustrate the importance of disability inclusion in research. We will share some practical approaches that you can apply in your workplace and work to recognise and proactively address exclusion. This allows for a broader and better empowered talent pool for your business and more complete and accurate research for your clients.

ZOOM: Obelažavanje dana globalne svesti o pristupačnosti

Događaj: Obelažavanje dana globalne svesti o pristupačnosti / Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2023 Svake godine, treći četvrtak u maju se obeležava kao Dan globalne svesti o pristupačnosti. Ideja o Danu globalne svesti o pristupačnosti počela je jednim blog postom, koji je napisao Džo Devon, web developer sa sedištem u Los Anđelesu. Taj blog post je poslužio kao inspiracija da se ustanovi Dan globalne svesti o pristupačnosti. Nakon deset godina, osnovana je GAAD Fondacija, to je neprofitna organizacija čija je: – Misija da promoviše kulturu tehnologije i razvoj digitalnih proizvoda, kako bi uključila pristupačnost kao suštinski zahtev. – – Vizija da pristupačnost bude ugrađena u životni ciklus razvoja tehnoloških izuma i digitalnih proizvoda. – Svrha da svi pričaju, razmišljaju i uče o digitalnoj pristupačnosti i inkluziji, jer u svetu živi više od milijardu osoba sa invaliditetom. Tokom ovog online događaja razgovaramo: 1. O veštačkoj inteligenciji (AI) kroz konkretne primjere kako je koristiti, (Željko Bajić, Goran Macanović i Gradimir Kragić); 2. O “SightCity”, najvećoj međunarodnoj izložbi pomagala za slepe i slabovide osobe koja je održana u Frankfurtu, (Lazar Bulatović i drugi koji su bili na izložbi);

Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2023 Live Stream

Global Accessibility Awareness Day is a day to talk about digital accessibility for disabled people, and Everyone-Games is here to talk about how to make TTRPGs better. Join MostlyBlindGamer, Naomi Hazlett, and Jim from Knights of the Braille, live on Twitch as we discuss Accessibility Awareness Day, our current thoughts on overall TTRPG accessibility, and how to make TTRPGs more accessible. Catch us live to learn more! Everyone-Games is a group of volunteers promoting accessibility through online events, software solutions, games, social media activism, and working with game developers in the industry.

Building Up Opportunities; Inspiring Change for DeafBlind Individuals and Advocating for Accessibility

Join our webinar, “Building Up Opportunities: Inspiring Change for DeafBlind Individuals and Advocating for Accessibility.” This panel discussion brings experts and advocates together to explore challenges faced by the DeafBlind community and share strategies for creating a more accessible world. Don’t miss this chance to be part of the conversation driving positive change.

Building a More Accessible Web with Artificial Intelligence

Join us as we demonstrate a custom plug-in for the WordPress platform which auto-generates Alt-Text for any existing or newly uploaded images. Using AI/Generative Text, we hope to create a more accessible web, as well as improve your WordPress site’s efficiency and SEO.

Making Your Small Business More Digitally Accessible

Customers interact with businesses via digital means countless times per day and that content needs to be accessible to People with Disabilities. You’re a small business, though – what does digital accessibility even mean and where do you start? In this live virtual workshop, we’ll take you step-by-step through some of the most common ways digital content becomes inaccessible, and you’ll learn how you can make your small business more digitally accessible to ALL customers. This workshop includes: – Interactive Q&A sessions, – A fillable workbook to keep honing your skills, and – An inclusive language guide.

Accessibility & Health Twitter Chat

In celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the American Association on Health and Disability invites you to join us for a Twitter Chat at the intersection of disability and health. Learn some Accessibility 101 and explore how expanding participation in biomedical research can advance health equity.

Het Digital Accessibility Empathy Lab: een laagdrempelig instrument om digitale toegankelijkheid tastbaar te maken

Digitale toegankelijkheid is niet zomaar een checklist. Het is tijd om de eindgebruiker centraal te stellen in praktijken op het gebied van toegankelijkheid, bijvoorbeeld door middel van een empathielab rond situaties met een handicap en hulpmiddelen. Ontdek hoe je het opzet en wat de goede en slechte voorbeelden zijn.