Detective Series – Find Evidence of accessibility in development lifecycle

We are inviting internal employees to an event where we talk about the importance of shifting left to include accessibility throughout the project lifecycle. We will show examples of how it has helped within the company and ask team members to find and send evidence from their work that they are as well. There will be a chance of winning prizes and it will be a fun, light event for those participating.

Access for All

This year the iCIMS theme for GAAD is Access for All. We will be highlighting the importance of digital accessibility in the future of tech, as we discuss exciting developments and growing global awareness. We will also look back at how far iCIMS has come over the past eight years, since we started celebrating GAAD, and highlight our goals for the future. This will be a hybrid event for employees of iCIMS.

Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness with a Panel from Vista Center

The PayPal Customer Experience and Accessibility Teams invite the Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired to have a panel speak about their lived experiences and the importance of accessibility in their lives. The speakers are Alice Turner, John Glass, and Neeraj Gupta.

Accessibility at Making something better for everyone every day

At a primary goal is to Leave No Identity Behind, and that means serving all people. This year, we’re celebrating GAAD with an interactive talk featuring our internal accessibility specialists. We’ll be highlighting the hard work our product and engineering teams have conducted over the last year and the processes, training, and tools we’re implementing to continue to foster a culture of accessibility and inclusion at

GAAD @ Box

Box will have a segment on GAAD in our weekly Friday all company meeting. This will include a discussion of Box’s accessibility efforts, and promotion of resources on accessibility and empathy, including interviews with Box users and employees. Additionally, Box will be announcing a new ability-focused Employee Resource Community.

Why Accessibility is Vital to Everything We Do

GCI Group is honoring Global Accessibility Awareness Day by holding a discussion to explore different ways to make digital and design work more inclusive and accessible. This is part of an ongoing series the company organizes for its employees, where we look at how intersectionality is vital to every aspect of our work. This year’s sessions are focused on better understanding how the complexity of intersecting social identities impacts people with disabilities’ experiences managing their health and healthcare.

GAAD @ Cornerstone

Learn about Global Accessibility Awareness, how Cornerstone incorporates accessibility into product design, and how everyone can contribute to Cornerstone’s accessibility journey.

“Everything is connected, we all connect”

This year, Bankinter’s Sustainability and Digital Accessibility teams have prepared a series of initiatives with the aim of making the entire workforce speak, think and learn about accessibility and digital inclusion, and about the needs of customers and employees with disability. Some of our activities: – Informative videos about the campaign “Everything is connected, we all connect” in sign language. – Knowledge challenges in Quiz format on topics related to digital accessibility. – Technical meetings with UX design and programming teams.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day in Nestlè Italia

An internal corporate event to raise awareness on accessibility and proper language regarding disability.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day — It matters to all of us

HP Inc. celebrates GAAD by hosting two internal webinars – Europe and Americas time zone friendly and an Asia Pacific time zone friendly. We have approximately 3000 employees registered to join this webinar. The line-up includes, • Enrique Lores, HP President & CEO welcoming employees to the day. • Joe Devon, Co-founder of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, sharing his motivation for creating this day. • HP Customer Support and Product Design Specialists sharing ways HP provides an inclusive customer experience. • A conversation with special guest Anthony Purcell, Equipment Specialist/Founding Partner, sharing how he has used his personal experience to help others with accessibility needs and how we all play an important role as well. • Employee panel: Senior leaders lead a panel featuring HP employees with disabilities discussing how accessibility impacts work and life. • Advocate and caregiver panel: Senior leaders lead a panel featuring HP employees who are advocates or caregivers sharing their stories.