Resources and Forum

For GAAD this year, we compiled a list of resources related to accessibility. But this isn’t just some boring ol’ list – it’s full of interesting, relevant and engaging topics, videos and articles! That’s how we like to do accessibility at Catalyst 😉 We shared this list of resources via email company-wide, and at our fortnightly Accessibility Forum the following week, we will be discussing our usual topics about accessibility plus exploring the resources a bit together.

Do you know what digital accessibility is? we put you to the test

The objective of this initiative is to make Bankinter employees aware of the importance of having an inclusive culture. We launched a challenge that consists of thinking about the best way to accompany some of the images on the Bankinter website with alternative text. Through a quiz distributed to a staff of more than 4,000 bank employees, we want to take advantage of this day to promote reflection on the problems that our customers may have.

Accessibility Demystified: Global Accessibility Awareness Day Webinar

This fast-paced webinar will feature 10-15 minute sessions, including – Intro to barriers faced by individuals with disabilities – Empathy session featuring a UC staff member with a temporary disability – Demo of how people navigate the digital environment using a keyboard only – Tutorial on how to make content using Rich Text Editors accessible – Game show about research and data that can help guide accessibility

Perficient is celebrating GAAD

Perficient is celebrating GAAD by having its accessibility colleagues share videos of how accessible solutions impact lives, and with a workshop demonstrating common tasks and the barriers users with disabilities experience when navigating the web.

Hilton: A Day-Long Celebration of Digital Access and Inclusion

Hilton’s Digital Accessibility Team will partner with our Abilities and NextGen Team Member Resource Groups to host a day-long celebration with in-person and virtual learning webinars – spanning our offices globally. We have 20 education and training sessions focused on Accessible Technology, Inclusive Workplaces, and Inclusive Travel Experiences. In person activities allow the Hilton Team to learn about and experience assistive technology and get their questions answered by our team.

Accessibility in the Workplace

A fireside chat featuring Twitter’s Global Head of Accessibility Gurpreet Kaur and Chief Accessibility Officer of Disability: IN Jeff Wissel, where they will talk about accessibility in the workplace.

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Disability inclusion consultant Margaux Joffe will present on Neurodiversity in the workplace. Marguax is an award-winning producer, certified accessibility professional, and the founder of the Kaleidoscope Society for Women with ADHD. In 2017 she helped Yahoo launch the technology industry’s first Neurodiversity Employee Resource Group (ERG) to create a more inclusive workplace for minds of all kinds. She currently facilitates a professional development program for adults with ADHD.

Product Accessibility Open Office Hours & 12-Hour Livestream

Zendesk’s Product Accessibility team (est. 2021) is excited to be celebrating its first GAAD. We’ll be livestreaming as we test our biggest products with various assistive tech, offering our colleagues around the world a glimpse into how we work and how we can help. We’ll be available for a full 12 hours, to answer any questions from anyone who drops by.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day Lunch and Learn

At Bell, we are celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day by hosting a lunch and learn featuring product demos and lightning talks around the topic of Accessibility.

The Accessible Educator Series

The Accessible Educator events include weekly MicroCPD videos, Showcase workshops and panel discussions and will allow colleagues at Birmingham to discuss and share their approaches, difficulties, and solutions to digital accessibility and to engage with development opportunities to develop their accessible practice. A new Accessible Educator course will invite colleagues to reflect on their current accessible practice and to consider attitudes and actions to becoming an Accessible Educator.