Events & Activities

There are many ways to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day and create awareness. Attend an event. Participate in an activity. Start your own event and publicize it.

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List of Events & Activities

The following are events and activities the community has created for this year to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day.

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Cure CMD Accessible World Webinar (Virtual)

18 May 2024 | 1:00 PM-2:00 PM America/New_York (United States of America)

We’ll highlight outlets that are championing inclusivity & a more accessible world for all. Learn about global accessibility organizations that are helping shape our future environment to improve user experiences for people living with disabilities.

Learn more about Cure CMD Accessible World Webinar by Cure CMD

Why Web Accessibility & Testing for Inclusivity Matters (Virtual)

21 May 2024 | 9:00 AM-9:30 AM America/Los_Angeles (United States of America)

Why Web Accessibility & Testing for Inclusivity Matters with speaker headshots below and graphics representing accessibility to the right Web accessibility is crucial for creating inclusive digital experiences and complying with legal requirements. Leaving accessibility testing until the final stages of development can lead to costly rework and delays. It’s essential to shift left and address accessibility early in the software development life cycle. In this webinar, we’ll explore the importance of web accessibility and the benefits of shifting left in accessibility testing. From improving user experiences for people with disabilities to reaching a wider audience and avoiding legal pitfalls, you’ll discover why prioritizing accessibility is a must for modern businesses. Join our webinar to: Learn how to overcome the challenges and costs of traditional late-stage accessibility testing approaches. See a live demo showing how Parasoft’s tools enable teams to easily integrate accessibility testing into their existing test cases.

Learn more about Why Web Accessibility & Testing for Inclusivity Matters by Parasoft

Diversability Unplugged: Disability and Employment Rights (In Person)

21 May 2024 | 6:00 PM-8:00 PM America/New_York (New York, NY, United States of America)

On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in partnership with Eisenberg & Baum, LLP, join us for Diversability Unplugged: Disability and Employment Rights, a discussion that delves into the intersection of employment law, disability rights, and advancing disability justice. We’ll be hosting this event a few days after the 13th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Speakers include: Lucy Trieshmann (they/she)`, Associate Attorney, Eisenberg & Baum, LLP Reyna Lubin (she/her), Partner, Eisenberg & Baum, LLP Emma Farley (she/her), Disability Studies scholar, activist & entrepreneur This will be a hybrid event. If you are in New York City, please join us in person from 6-8pm ET, and we will be live-streaming the moderated conversation and Q&A from 6:30-7:30pm ET. Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Where: New York City, 6-8pm ET: Eisenberg & Baum, LLP, 24 Union Square E, Penthouse, New York, NY 10003 Virtual, 6:30-7:30pm ET: A Zoom link will be emailed 15 minutes before the event begins. The livestream will also be recorded and the recording will be shared with registered attendees after the event.

Learn more about Diversability Unplugged: Disability and Employment Rights by Diversability

5 Recommendations on Supporting Neurodiverse Students in Teaching & Learning (Virtual)

23 May 2024 | 2:00 PM-3:00 PM America/New_York (United States of America)

Unlock the potential of every student in your classroom by embracing neurodiversity in the teaching and learning environment. Diverse classrooms enrich the educational experience, encompassing students with varying neurotypes. In this dynamic presentation, we delve into the transformative power of personalizable, structured, and supportive learning environments tailored to better support neurodivergent learners. Discover how designing and facilitating classes with neurodiversity in mind can foster remarkable outcomes, including enhanced student retention, deeper comprehension, elevated achievement, and heightened course satisfaction. By embracing an inclusive approach, we not only empower neurodivergent students but also cater to the diverse learning needs of an underserved population, thereby fostering a more equitable educational landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or new to the field, this presentation equips you with the tools and insights needed to create a more inclusive and empowering learning environment for all students. Join us as we embark on a journey towards educational excellence through the celebration of neurodiversity! Intended Audience: Faculty, Department Chairs, Program Directors, Associate and Assistant Provosts, Instructional Designers, Course Developers, Staff working in Disability Support/Academic Coaching/Tutoring Key Takeaways: 1. Understanding Neurodiversity: Gain insights into the diverse neurotypes present in your classroom and the unique learning preferences they entail. 2. Personalizable Learning Environments: Explore strategies for creating flexible and adaptable learning structures that accommodate individual differences and preferences. 3. Supportive Teaching Techniques: Learn practical techniques for fostering an inclusive and supportive classroom culture that celebrates neurodiversity. 4. Enhancing Student Success: Discover evidence-based approaches to optimize learning outcomes and promote the academic success of neurodivergent students. 5. Fostering Inclusive Excellence: Embrace the role of inclusive teaching practices in promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion in higher education.

Learn more about 5 Recommendations on Supporting Neurodiverse Students in Teaching & Learning by Online Learning Consortium

Accessibility Symposium – Bridging Gaps Building Inclusion (In Person)

24 May 2024 | 1:30 PM-5:30 PM (Bangalore, Karnataka, India)

We are a group of like minded accessibility enthusiasts coming together to strike a dialog on these challenges and how to overcome them making digital space is accessible for everyone. Accessibility symposium, Bridging gaps building inclusion brings in technology companies, Accessibility experts and the users on to the same platform to discuss and share the expectations and best practices in accessibility.

Learn more about Accessibility Symposium – Bridging Gaps Building Inclusion by Maxability

Palestra: Acessibilidade em projetos culturais – por Bárbara Barbosa (In Person)

25 May 2024 | 10:00 AM-11:59 AM (Brasilia, DF, Brazil)

Bárbara Barbosa é uma mulher negra neurodiversa, Tradutora Intérprete de Libras. Especialista e Pioneira em Acessibilidade em Ambientes Culturais, mãe de duas crianças autistas, ativista pelos direitos das pessoas com deficiência e mulheres junto aos coletivos Quilombo Preto com Deficiência e Mulheres com Deficiência Sobre a palestra: O encontro abordará a importância da acessibilidade em projetos culturais, destacando as melhores práticas e estratégias para garantir a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência e necessidades especiais.

Learn more about Palestra: Acessibilidade em projetos culturais – por Bárbara Barbosa by CAPACITA – escola sociocriativa

GAAD special: Putting Accessibility Awareness into Practice (Virtual)

30 May 2024 | 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Europe/Amsterdam (Global)

Join our Envision community members as they share personal stories and offer insights on leveraging AI tools and technologies for enhanced information access and independence. They’ll also address common misconceptions about the needs of people who are blind or have low vision, providing clarity and understanding.

Learn more about GAAD special: Putting Accessibility Awareness into Practice by Envision

Nationaal Congres Digitale Toegankelijkheid (In Person)

13 Jun 2024 | 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Europe/Amsterdam (Driebergen, Netherlands)

Dé plek om je collega’s over digitale toegankelijkheid te ontmoeten en bijgepraat te worden over alle ontwikkelingen over digitale toegankelijkheid.

Learn more about Nationaal Congres Digitale Toegankelijkheid by Internet Academy

The Globant Global Accessibility Awareness Day (In Person)

03 Aug 2024 | 10:00 AM-1:30 PM (Pune, Maharashtra, India)

At Globant, we are passionate about promoting inclusivity and ensuring equal access to information and technology for all individuals. To celebrate the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), we are excited to raise awareness about the importance of accessibility amongst the young incoming talent of the Industry. Together, we can make a digital world which is well-suited for everyone. What’s In Store For You? 09:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Registrations & Coffee 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM: Keynote 10:15 AM – 10:30 AM: DEI At Globant 11:00 AM- 11:15 AM: Interpreting Digital Accessibility 11:20 AM – 11:35 AM: A11Y – Uniquely Abled, Together 11:45 AM – 12:00 PM: A11Y – It’s a basic Human Right 12:15 PM – 12:30 PM: A11Y – Principles & Compliance Levels 12:30 PM: 12:45 PM: Empower Accessibility: Test to Include 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM: Accessibility and AI 1:00 PM- 1:30 PM:Hands-on workshop 1:30 PM Onwards: Networking & Snacks

Learn more about The Globant Global Accessibility Awareness Day by Globant

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