
Todos@Web (All@Web) is an online event to promote Web Accessibility and launch initiatives to increase the awareness about Web Accessibility in Brazil.

Todos@Web é um evento online para promover a acessibilidade na Web e lançar iniciativas para aumentar a consciência sibre a acessibilidade na Web no Brasil.

Mobile Assistive Technology Review

Level Access invites you to a webinar featuring an overview and live demos of mobile Assistive Technology to understand how AT users are interacting with your mobile apps & mobile web content.

Game & Give AbleGamers Charity Stream-A-Thon

We’ll be hosting two stream-a-thon event on Mixer the week of May 16-24. We’ll be hosting a 24 to 72-hour stream marathon May 21-24 to raise funds for AbleGamers charity.

Challenge: Fix Your Content Day Challenge 2020

Blackboard hosts our first-ever Fix Your Content Day Challenge, a 24-hour competition committed to creating accessible and more inclusive digital learning content across institutions globally.

Webinar on 2020 State of Accessibility Report

Diamond is going to discuss the 2nd Annual State of Accessibility Report (SOAR). Written with the digital community in mind, the SOAR report identifies specific accessibility deficiencies of top websites and includes a list of actionable steps developers can take to address accessibility issues now.

Pragmatic Accessibility webinars

For GAAD 2020, we’ll be sharing our technology with more and more people. We will be holding a selection of online webinars which are designed to introduce the accessibility priorities within Sitemorse and how to deal with them.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 2020 with Deque

Global Accessibility Awareness Day is a great way to learn about accessibility. Join Deque’s free, virtual events to celebrate this accessibility holiday!

ICT & Digital Government of South Australia GAAD Lunch ‘n Learn

ICT and the Digital Government of South Australia are hosting an online ‘lunch and learn’ to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD).

Guest presenter Dr. Scott Hollier is the Director of the Centre for Accessibility Initiative and invited expert for the W3C WAI APA Research Questions Task Force (RQTF).

A11y Bytes 2020

A11Y Bytes is celebrating its 7th Global Accessibility Awareness Day!

Join us for a dynamic fast-paced evening of lightning talks about digital accessibility and the needs and preferences of people with disabilities. All sessions streamed on YouTube with live captions.

A11y Online GAAD

Web accessibility affects everyone who uses the internet but, unfortunately, it’s still something that’s too often overlooked by companies and development teams. The good news is that there is a growing accessibility community full of people who are eager to share ideas and discuss ways we can learn and improve as an industry.