China GAAD 2020 highlight includes introducing a special gaming app to educate technologists about accessibility and a virtual kickoff event by Joe Devon, Jennison Asuncion, co-founders of GAAD and Frances West, expert advisor to CAPA and founder of FrancesWestCo.
Event Type: Virtual Events
To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Therapy Box has decided to host a webinar to reveal one of the key features that Predictable 6 will soon be offering: Face gesture! This feature aims to make the app even more inclusive and to increase its users’ communication speed.
The university will participate in the ninth annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day by offering a free virtual lunch-and-learn webinar that includes an introduction to a new online accessibility training program for UM faculty and staff. The online meeting begins at noon and will provide participants with steps to increase accessibility in digital content.
El 21 de mayo, te invitamos a participar en el Día Mundial para Promover la Concienciación sobre la Accesibilidad Web (GAAD), en este seminario web organizado por Siteimprove y el Foro Europeo de la Discapacidad. El propósito de este día es para hablar, pensar y aprender sobre la accesibilidad de las tecnologías digitales y los diferente tipos de usuarios, incluyendo las personas con discapacidades.
Accessibility Tech panel celebrates innovation in tech for vision, hearing, mobility, and more.
Kansainvälistä saavutettavuuspäivää (Global Accessibility Awareness Day, GAAD) vietetään helatorstaina 21.5. Saavutettavuuden auditoinnista keskusteltiin jo pari viikkoa sitten suunnittelijamme Hanna Kulmalan kanssa, ja seuraavassa keskiviikkowebinaarissamme pureudumme syvemmin saavutettavuuden liiketoimintahyötyihin asiakkuusvastaavamme Päivi Rucidlon kanssa. Saavutettavuutta ei kannata katsoa vain pakollisena pahana, joka pitää vain hoitaa kuntoon uuden lainsäädännön myötä – se on pikemminkin mahdollisuus luoda verkkopalveluita, jotka palvelevat meitä kaikkia paremmin. Saavutettavuus on käytettävyyttä, ja käytettävyys on parempaa palvelua, joka lisää asiakkaita, tyytyväisempiä käyttäjiä, positiivista brändimielikuvaa sekä yksinkertaisesti, parempaa bisnestä.
UCSC’s Disability Resource Center and the Accessible Technology Committee (ATC) in partnership with consultant Len Burns invite you to attend this year’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD 2020). The goal of this event is to promote practical ways to help individuals with disabilities enjoy full access to campus resources. This will be an informative and interactive program featuring the Student Perspective, Zoom, and DocuSign. Live captioning to be provided.
In honor of GAAD, SUNY is launching SUNY Accessibility Week, designed to provide informative, practical accessibility knowledge to enhance inclusiveness of digital content for users with disabilities. Faculty, instructional designers, distance education leaders and more are welcome to attend one or more sessions offered throughout the week!
En una nueva colaboración de QA Minds Community y Abstracta Tech Talks queremos festejar el “Global Accessibility Awareness Day” que se festeja el 21 de mayo y para eso tenemos de invitada a Lisandra Armas especialista en accesibilidad que nos hablará acerca de “What Companies Need to Know About Web Accessibility in 2020”.
In the time of COVID-19, with remote working the new normal, training has proved remarkably adaptable, sometimes shifting to virtual environments, and sometimes building on existing learning management systems. Join us as we explore how to make online training available to everyone.