EveryOneCanImprove! – iPad e Numbers? Non solo numeri… uno spazio inclusivo!

Numbers… solo un foglio di calcolo? Non sottovalutiamo il potere “inclusivo” di questa app. Uno spazio ampio da utilizzare come organizzatore anticipato dei contenuti essenziali per il percorso di apprendimento. Una grande bacheca dove poter disporre di quanto necessario per ogni stile cognitivo. E, se dovesse servire, ovviamente possiamo lavorare con numeri, formule e ogni altra funzione di un foglio di calcolo.

Accessibility & Accommodations: How Employers & HR Professionals Can Prepare for EmergingTech in the Workplace

This session, produced in collaboration with JAN and PEAT, will introduce the potential impact of emerging tech on accommodations. Participants will learn how employers and HR professionals can help plan for an accessible workplace of the future, including the procurement of accessible technologies and potential accommodation needs of people with disabilities. Anne Hirsh, JAN Bill Curtis-Davidson, PEAT Martez Mott, Ph.D., Microsoft Tina Park, the Partnership on AI

GAAD21 Belgique – Anais Digital

Venez découvrir – 13 mythes autour de l’accessibilité numérique (9h30 – 10h15), – comment bien rédiger une alternative d’image, avec notre arbre décisionnel (10h15-10h45), – ce qu’est la rédaction FALC, facile à lire et à comprendre (10h45-11h15).


Darci Duran, AVP Learning Design (Higher Ed), ansrsource speaks on – • Discover the origins of accessibility and UDL principles • Identify how higher ed has moved to comply with accessibility guidelines before COVID-19 • Discuss how accessibility has been affected by the pandemic, where we are now, and where do we go from here • Identify ways how, we, as a community of educators, can continue to come together to support each other in meeting the diverse needs of our learners.

Festival of Accessibility

Join Texhelp to celebrate the 10th GAAD! Hear from accessibility and inclusion experts from Texthelp, as well as speakers such as Debra Ruh, Robin Christopherson (Abilitynet) and Gareth Ford Williams (Readability Group). Attend sessions with experts from Scope, Content Design London and Research Institute for Disabled Consumers on accessibility legislation, the future of A11Y, fixing your top WCAG errors, making content and campaigns inclusive and more! Join live or receive the recordings

Panel Discussion – Busting Myths about People with Disabilities

I am really excited to share with you a collaboration between The Accidental Ally and the University of Washington – Michael G. Foster School of Business and the Foster Technology Club. As part of the Husky Accessibility Hackathon, we invite you to join us for a panel discussion on ‘Busting Myths about People with Disabilities’ with my esteemed colleagues from the accessibility world on MAY 4th at 12pm PST – Sheri Byrne-Haber, Meryl Evans (deaf), Imran ahmed, Mark McGuire (He/Deaf/ASL), Lucy Greco, Rojene Russell

EveryOneCanImprove! – Superpowers to accessibility with iPad: let’s go further!

Superpowers to accessibility feature! Let’s start with the specific features and find out how to increase the power in your hands. Let’s manipulate the web, use shortcuts, special fonts and other ways that can help our students truly be part of the classroom. Workshop online.

EveryOneCanImprove! – Pages e dieci suggerimenti per un workbook accessibile

Un iPad, le funzioni di accessibilità a disposizione e Pages: costruiamo un workbook con accorgimenti utili a compensare difficoltà o disturbi? Una sola applicazione, Pages, può raccogliere, far elaborare, stimolare e supportare al meglio un processo di apprendimento personalizzato. Tutti sono nella classe, tutti possono realizzare il proprio lavoro. Attenzione, percezione, ragionamento sono così facilitati nel percorso di memorizzazione. Predisponiamo un workbook insieme?

Accessibilità dei siti web, come abbattere le barriere con il buon codice

Grazie a Simone Mignami (esperto di accessibilità per il Canton Ticino), ci concentreremo principalmente sulla creazione di Form Accessibili, croce e delizia di ogni visitatore, ma che se progettati male possono diventare un campo minato per gli utenti svantaggiati. Proveremo anche l’esperienza di testarli con un software text-to-speech, così da capire la differenza tra un codice accessibile e non accessibile per gli utenti ipovedenti.

2021 GAAD at ASU

Learn about inclusive education and digital access for everyone. Join us for a day of virtual, interactive presentations to raise awareness and understanding of digital access and inclusion for the more than 1 billion people with disabilities and impairments.