Signal Centers Accessibility Awareness Summit

The 3rd annual Signal Centers Accessibility Awareness Summit will inspire transformative conversations about the inclusion of individuals with different abilities and accessibility innovations and ideas. This one-day, digital summit will include breakout sessions presented by accessibility experts and a keynote presentation from Chris Downey, a San Francisco-based architect who is blind.

Future of Transport: Addressing the Barriers through Innovative Solutions with the TRIPS Project – Part II

TRIPS proposes a co-design approach that allows people, disabled by inaccessible environments, to take the leading role in designing accessible and useable transport systems. By focusing on the experience and needs of disabled people, we aim to directly address a wide variety of barriers in current urban transport systems. This includes also barriers due to for example age, health, or language.

Disability Studies- Eine Disziplin stellt sich vor

Referent*innen Dr*in Mai-Anh Boger, Universität Bielefeld Prof*in Dr*in Swantje Köbsell, Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin Rebecca Maskos, Hochschule Bremen Veranstalter: Universitätsbibliothek in Kooperation mit dem Referat für Chancengerechtigkeit und dem AStA der FernUniversität Moderation: Dr*in Jeanine Tuschling-Langewand, Universitätsbibliothek Bitte melden Sie sich an unter

LWTech GAAD Week

Building awareness around digital accessibility with a week-long virtual and interactive event for Lake Washington Institute of Technology college community (staff and students).

Accesibilidad en el Comercio Electrónico

Desde el Observatorio Latinoamericano de la Accesibilidad queremos celebrar el Día Mundial de la Concientización de la Accesibilidad Web #GAAD2021 en un evento online con referentes en accesibilidad de Latam, enfocándonos en el ecommerce. Tendremos un panel con usuarios que nos mostrarán su perspectiva y experiencia en el comercio en línea, luego un panel de expertos conversando sobre los retos de hacer productos accesibles para todos, y 6 charlas de expertos de la industria en accesibilidad.

Siteimprove GAAD Virtual Event

Join Siteimprove for a virtual celebration as we unite people from around North America who are passionate about making the web a better place for all its users. Learn from those who do it best through an insightful day of webinars and discussions that will empower people to do more with digital accessibility.

HelloA11Y Presents GAAD 2021

Hey everyone! Global Accessibility Awareness Day is just around the corner and so is our event. It’s scheduled for May 20th 2021 between 5:30 PM-10:00 PM IST and we’ve got something for everyone! If you are a developer, designer, project manager or just want to get started on accessibility, we got you covered.

Accessibility Day 2021

Beim Accessibility Day am 19. Mai erhalten Teilnehmer*innen einen Einblick in die neuen Standards und der praktischen Umsetzung von barrierefreien Websites. Experten von Zugang für Alle, WACA, Siteimprove, DMK E-Business und CoreMedia freuen sich darauf, Ihnen über folgende Themen zu berichten: WCAG 2.2 & 3.0, Umsetzung von WCAG-Richtlinien im Web-Team, Barrierefreiheit als ganzheitliches Website-Projekt, Leichte Sprache, Barrierefreiheit für Content-Redakteure.

Local Guides GAAD 2021

As part of our annual event to celebrate GAAD, we will be hosting a virtual meet-up for Local Guides and accessibility champions around the world. We will be speaking with Jennison Asuncion to learn about the impact of GAAD in the last ten years and the gaps that needs to be filled. Local Guides are volunteers who help to add useful information to Google Maps including accessibility information such ramps, elevators, Braille, toilets etc. There are over 150 million Local Guides worldwide.

Fix Your Content Day

Blackboard is bringing back Fix Your Content Day, a 24-hour global competition committed to creating accessible and more inclusive digital learning content. The objective of the day is to mobilize instructors and staff to fix as many digital course files as possible through Blackboard Ally. During the day, we’ll track the activity of participants, share updates on social media, and at the end of GAAD, announce the champions. Learn more about Ally: