Global Accessibility Awareness Day is coming up on Thursday, May 20th! To celebrate, experts from AudioEye will be hosting a free webinar on Accessibility Testing Insights. In this session, we’ll discuss best practices for manually testing websites, mobile apps and PDF documents. You’ll hear from four speakers, participate in polls and have the chance to win prizes!
Event Type: Virtual Events
May 20, 2021, is the tenth Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Join us on this day as we learning about digital access and inclusion, and the more than One Billion people with disabilities/impairments. In this webinar, we will give an overview of the six areas that have the greatest impact on making your online content more accessible. Unintentional barriers to learning can happen when headings, links, color, images, tables, and multimedia are incorrectly used or formatted. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do to make all of your online content more accessible, including ELMS-Canvas course spaces, emails, presentations, and handbooks. Participants will leave the workshop with new skills for increased accessibility as well as additional resources for implementing the Six Essential Steps in all aspects of creating and editing online content.
Accessible Design and Digital Inclusion Skills are more important than ever! AccessU 2021 is THE place to learn and connect: May 13, 18-20 Whatever your role in digital accessibility, wherever you are on your journey, there is simply no better place to learn and connect to the global community than the annual John Slatin AccessU conference.
VMware is excited to be doing a public event this year on Service Animals. Come get the most up-to-date info on service animals, and wallow in the cuteness that is puppies. Registration is required
This online workshop is offered by Léa Marmet Sperandio (Web Accessible) and Céline Witschard (Vision Positive). The workshop is free of charge and open to all those interested. Topics covered by the workshop: What is web accessibility? Who are the people concerned by web accessibility? How does it work ? Thanks to the speakers, you will learn about concrete examples of web accessibility.
The Global Accessibility Awareness Day is an annual event that aims at raising awareness on accessibility and disability issues for people with disability, technology experts, customers, educators, students and all those involved in digital technologies. Join us at our Global Accessibility Awareness Day Event happening on May 20, 2021, at 9:30 am to 10:10 am SGT. We will tackle important topics such as Microsoft Approach to Accessibility Education, Overview of the tools, Accessibility in Action, Resources and Trainings to Accelerate Inclusivity, and Remote Engineering at Every Stage of Development.
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the employment of people with disabilities. Both employers and employees are now expected to be more knowledgeable about technology. This webinar will introduce the knowledge and how to use it to create an inclusive workplace.
The ever-increasing digital sphere must not leave people with disabilities behind. How can enterprises benefit from digital accessibility, gain a competitive advantage? Frances West, founder of FrancesWestCo and lead author of the ILO Global Business and Disability Network’s “Leave no one offline: A primer on engaging your company on digital accessibility”, and Stephen Framil, Founder & Associate Director Enterprise Digital Governance at Merck/MSD, will discuss this with Yves Veulliet from IBM.
Dostępność cyfrowa – misja (nie)możliwa?! Oto jest pytanie! Zapraszamy na konferencję online z okazji Światowego Dnia Wiedzy o Dostępności. W programie wystąpienia ekspertów i ekspertek na temat: – projektowania inkluzywnych produktów cyfrowych; – ustawy i zarządzanie dostępnością cyfrową; – dostępnych dokumentów i załączników; 🟣 zamawiania i odbierania produktów cyfrowych; oraz rozmowy i wymiana doświadczeń w pokojach tematycznych. Dołącz do nas!
Accessibility is a human right. It is equal access for persons with disabilities, and a precondition to enjoy independent living and full participation in society. However, it is not easy to include accessibility into legislation, particularly when this relates to the ever-evolving information and communication technologies. This is why the European Accessibility Act (EAA) is an opportunity which cannot be missed.
Join us on the Global Awareness Accessibility Day (GAAD) to discuss, together with representatives from the European Commission and the European Parliament, Member States, standardization bodies, Facebook and the European Disability Forum, the challenges and opportunities of this landmark legislation, with a particular focus on the impact for the digital world.