Join CSforALL as we celebrate and focus on digital access and inclusion with a 60-minute presentation from one organization’s work around removing accessibility barriers in computer science education. CSforALL’s member, Bootstrap, will share their internal four-step approach to make their curricular modules accessible for ALL students.
Event Type: Virtual Events
Listen to A11y transformation process in the biggest Indonesian ride-hailing Super App: Go-Jek.
Keyboard testing, as one of website accessibility testing methodology, is applicable and can be perform by everyone. How to perform it correctly and what issue need to be addressed? By the time you watch the session, you will be able to perform keyboard access audit. There will be prize for those who participate in #KamisKeyboard (Thursday Keyboard).
DrupalBA inivita a la comunidad Drupalera hispanohablante y a todo aquel que se interese en el mundo digital a escuchar en primera fila qué es la accesibilidad web. Anabella Segovia, analista en sistemas de información, usuaria de lectores de pantallas para su discapacidad visual, nos contará cómo es su experiencia con la web. Ana Colautti, con 7 años de experiencia en Drupal, nos dará una charla práctica sobre “Tips para navegar el sitio con el teclado”. ¡Te esperamos!
UKG celebrates Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) this year by hosting a panel discussion, “Breaking Barriers as Deaf or Hard of Hearing Professionals.” With over 70 percent of Deaf people who are unemployed or underpaid, we have the unique opportunity to create a more inclusive workplace.
A series of talks for the UK public sector.
The FDR Memorial Legacy Committee, the friends group for the FDR Memorial in Washington, DC commissioned an independent report on accessibility at the FDR Memorial. In this zoom event, Cheryl Fogle-Hatch, Ph.D. will discuss her findings and recommendations. Opening remarks will be delivered by Senator Tom Harkin (Ret.) and Gordon Gund, Chairman Emeritus and Co-Founder of the Foundation Fighting Blindness.
For GAAD 2021, FEDSA will host a free online workshop including a demo on the topic of designing for accessibility. The hope is that we are able to raise awareness and empower South African front-end developers and UI/UX designers to make more informed decisions when it comes to the accessibility of the products they work on.
In a world with a heavy reliance on technology, websites must be designed to include everyone. In this webinar, Peter Krieg, Head of Creative Services, Squiz, talks about keeping humans at the center of our designs to address discriminatory aspects related to UX for people living with disabilities. He also sheds light on why accessible design together with usability and inclusion, is critical for building websites for everyone.
Have you ever wondered what some of the common design considerations indie game developers need to take when creating accessible games? Or when coming up with innovative new games systems, how can development teams make sure that these games systems can be enjoyed by all? Join Cameron Hopkinson (they/them, Accessibility Unlocked!) and Maize Wallin (they/them, Wayward Strand, Godfall, Receiver 2) for a fireside chat about accessibility in indie games from the developers perspective.