Konferencja PFRON z okazji Światowego Dnia Wiedzy o Dostępności 18 maja przypada Światowy Dzień Wiedzy o Dostępności (ang. Global Accessibility Awareness Day – GAAD). Jest to dzień poświęcony szczególnie dostępności cyfrowej. Z tej okazji zapraszamy na konferencję on-line z cyklu #PFRONwspieradostępność. Będziemy rozmawiać o : – Jak dobrze opisać dostępność? – Jak technologie asystujące pomagają w osiągnięciu większej niezależności? – Zmiany w standardach WCAG 2.2 – Dostępność w mediach społecznościowych
Event Type: Virtual Events
“Breaking Barriers: Ensuring Accessibility for All”. This theme highlights the importance of accessibility across all aspects of life, including physical, digital, and social environments, and emphasizes the need to break down barriers and ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to education, employment, and social participation.
Tune into this webinar to hear from AudioEye on the importance of accessibility and how to create an accessible travel website. AudioEye, a leader in website accessibility, will discuss how your destination can prioritize accessibility while promoting travel and tourism to potential visitors through Simpleview CMS. Join us as we honor Global Accessibility Awareness Day, a day focused on digital access and inclusion for those with accessibility challenges. Join this webinar to learn how: • Simpleview and AudioEye work together to create accessible websites • AudioEye utilizes a holistic approach to drive compliance and improve accessibility • You can stay on top of inclusivity by understanding that accessibility affects not only the potential traveler, but also your site and brand through engagement and reputation, brand discoverability, and legal compliance Presenters: Delaney Cruz, CPACC, Senior Partner Account Manager at AudioEye Alisa Smith, CPACC, Accessibility Evangelist at AudioEye Simpleview Liaison: Luke Johnson, Director of CX Operations at Simpleview
Voice AI can be a powerful tool for improving healthcare access and quality for people around the world, regardless of their location, language, or disability. The Bridge2AI Voice Initiative is a project funded by NIH Common’s Fund that aims to use voice as a health biomarker in clinical care by creating ethical and diverse voice databases to support voice AI research and developing predictive models to help with screening, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases. On the occasion of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, which is marked annually on the third Thursday of May, the Open Voice Network will host two leading experts on voice disorders research and treatment, who will also share their work with the Bridge2AI Voice Initiative.
Conversational AI can assist in providing personalized and adaptive services for people with various health conditions, and can help with diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and prevention of diseases, as well as enhancing communication, education, and empowerment for patients and caregivers. We hope you can join use for this special webinar session. The webinar will take place on Thursday, 18 May at 18:00 CET / 12:00 Eastern / 09:00 Pacific.
#GAAD1402, This webinar is hold by the usability stage channel and examines the status of accessibility in the production of Persian applications and websites and explores ways to make digital products accessible. To participate, register by this link: https://eseminar.tv/wb103282
Are you ready to join the celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) on May 18, 2023? AudioEye invites you to a webinar that will explore the question: “how do we design for accessibility?” We will learn from Ana Jacob and Maxwell Ivey, Digital Accessibility Specialists, and your host, Mariella Paulino-Peralta, on the importance of inclusive design and development of accessible websites and digital content. You’ll have the chance to interact with our expert panel, ask questions, and share your thoughts on digital accessibility on #GAAD2023. What you will learn:
- The importance of involving people with disabilities
- Progress so far and opportunities for businesses to design with accessibility in mind
- Best practices and examples of creating inclusive digital experiences
A special hour long episode of The Digital Accessibility Podcast featuring Ronny Hendriks, Head of Accessibility at Nomensa. We discuss Ronny’s own battles with RSI and his journey into the world of A11y, the work he is currently doing to support the growth and innovation of huge global companies through the adoption of Accessibility. We chat about how A11y is a mindset, not just a ‘nice to have’ or a ‘feature’, touch on imposter syndrome when working within the space without your own ‘disabilities’ and what we should do to continually raise awareness within the field of Digital Accessibility.
Introduction by Marion Ranvier – Executive Director of the Contentsquare Foundation
Introduction by Elisabeth Moreno – President LEIA Partners – Engaged and Inclusive Leaders in Action // Former Minister French Government 2020-2022
Roundtable – Questions for Heather Hepburn from Skyscanner and John Hicks from Atos
Q&A session for all speakers
Join us for a fun and exciting event to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 18th, 2023. We will have a fun and engaging session with The Dream Team!
The LEaD Light Lunch meets online and aims to create a space for academic and professional colleagues and City students to share ideas about digital technology and teaching. Meeting on the GAAD day itself, this light lunch session will celebrate the team and working group efforts to enhance the learning experience for City’s students and look ahead to next year. An interactive activity will sample the accessibility maturity exercise taking place across City’s schools and professional services. Presented by Sandra Partington, Dr Julie Voce and Sandra Guzman-Rodriguez.