Accessibility Training

On May 16th, we will be launching our internal accessibility overview training. We are excited to bring this to US and Canada this year with the inclusion of Our International colleagues next year. This training will be mandatory for all employees yearly.

Accessibility Panel Discussion

On May 16th, we will delve into the crucial themes surrounding accessibility in education. Our panelists will explore defining accessibility, identifying challenges, promoting inclusivity, leveraging technology, understanding legal obligations, engaging the community, and measuring impact.

GAAD at British Airways 2024

This will be our third GAAD event at British Airways. This year we have a pre recorded interview with Chris Patnoe from Google’s Accessibility Discovery Centre in London, the design leads and researchers from our digital teams talking about their approach to inclusive design, we’ll learn more about our Global Contact Centre Accessibility Team and an update on our colleague accessibility programme. This year we’ll be two centred and hybrid to make sure we can reach as many colleagues as possible.

Special edition show and tells

Show tells about digital accessibility from the user experience team

Fix your Documents Day!

We are encouraging our faculty to fix their documents on GAAD using Ally to do so with help available if needed.

GAAD Keynote and Lightning Talks

The Core Accessibility Team is co-coordinating a keynote from Rebecca Alexander ( sharing her insights and experiences as someone navigating life with Usher syndrome. Following the keynote, we’ll host and facilitate a round of Lightning Talks from colleagues around the company sharing how accessibility shows up in their roles and the work they do helping to create a more inclusive workforce, workplace, and marketplace.

Die etwas andere Kundensicht (The slightly different customer view)

With the help of “ageing simulation suits”, we give employees the opportunity to experience first-hand what it feels like when movements become more difficult, vision is restricted and hearing decreases. Or they can simply chat with us over a coffee, check some accessibility requirements or find out what we do as an e-accessibility department.

Starbucks celebrates the 13th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Starbucks celebrates the 13th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), on May 16 from 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. PT with a live internal broadcast showcasing an Accessibility Awareness Lab as part of Starbucks Innovation Expo (SIX): Flow internal conference. Brought to you from the Digital Accessibility team and the Starbucks Disability Advocacy Network (DAN), and in partnership with digital accessibility tech partner Deque Systems, the Accessibility Awareness Lab is a way to help people understand and experience alternative ways of interacting with technology and other environments through hands-on access to different tools and assistive technologies. Starbucks Digital Accessibility team members, members of DAN, and leadership will welcome participants to the Accessibility Awareness Lab, host a coffee tasting, and explore the lab stations. In person partners (employees) will also be exploring the Accessibility Awareness Lab stations throughout the day to increase their awareness and deepen their understanding of how people with disabilities use technology and how they are impacted by inaccessible technology. Since the earliest days of the company, Starbucks has worked to create a culture of warmth and belonging in its stores – a place where everyone is welcome. This includes Starbucks collection of artwork featured at stores that celebrate community, 24 Signing Stores across the globe, free access to free Aira services in U.S. stores that help blind or low vision customers navigate the cafes and Disability Advocacy Partner Network (DAN employee resource group) which has contributed to the success of Starbucks partners and the company since 2016, and prior to DAN the Starbucks Access Alliance. Learn more about How Starbucks is Building Inclusive Spaces here.

Wells Fargo – GAAD Activites

Wells Fargo will celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day by conducting multiple internal presentations – all focused on building awareness around the value and importance of digital accessibility for Wells Fargo customers and employees.

Spotlight: Deaf and hard of hearing community experience and digital resources for Hennepin County employees

Learn about lived experiences of the deaf and hard of hearing community and their digital experiences from community member and employee, Elizabeth Birkhofer, Land Information and Tax Services. Digital accessibility supports and resources to help employees incorporate accessibility into their work will be shared by Lisa Yang, digital accessibility coordinator. An ASL interpreter will be present.