Acessibilidade na web: Os seis erros mais comuns

Em celebração ao Dia Mundial da Conscientização sobre a Acessibilidade, a Sinqia preparou um webinar para ajudar a conscientizar seus colaboradores e disseminar a cultura na empresa. O especialista em acessibilidade na web, Paulo Renato Pereira, fará uma introdução à acessibilidade na web aprofundando nos seis erros mais cometidos na WCAG e como evitá-los. Webinar interno e exclusivo para funcionários da Sinqia.


BA Digital are hosting our first Global Accessibility Awareness Day event. We’re hosting speakers from the digital, aviation and accessibility advocacy areas who will give be giving some short talks throughout the day. They will be talking about their experience and expectations when it comes to travelling as a person with a disability. This will be an internal only event.

After School Design Clubs in London and Manchester

Accessibility-focused activities and empathy workshops will be run at after school Design Clubs for children in London and Manchester.

IDEA Group – Accessibility Day

Accessibility is an important part of customer experience. To build awareness for accessibility, we’ll explore some common accessibility myths and “myth-conceptions.”

Make your Module Accessible

The Centre for Technology & Innovation in Learning (CTIL), University of Dundee, will be running a series of drop in sessions to help staff “Fix their Content” – we’re using Ally in Blackboard, and some workshops to help academic staff ensure their content is accessible in the first place, when they’re creating new content for next academic year.

A11Y Quiz

In celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 2022, Accessibility Shared Service Team at Pearson Lanka has planned several activities starting from 17th May to 20th of May 2022. The main highlight of the week is ‘A11Y Quiz’, a Virtual accessibility fun quizzical via the Kahoot platform targeted for Pearson Lanka employees. Throughout the whole week, Accessibility informative tips will be shared via emails and blog posts.

Guest speaker: Haben Girma

eBay is hosting Haben Girma for a keynote speaking event. This talk will kick off a few internal events for GAAD.

* Buyer and Seller Insights: eBay members with disabilities share their use of and native mobile apps

* Lightning Talks: eBay employees across the business present how they take accessibility into consideration during their day-to-day roles

Accessibility Awareness and Myths

The Customer Experience and Architecture Services teams are partnering to host the inaugural GAAD celebration for our organization. Educating others on the importance of a11y, thoughtful design, and inclusion throughout the development process. We will achieve this by walking through common accessibility myths to get teams excited to be an a11y advocate. We are also hosting interactive games, quizzes, and giveaways for participants throughout the week.

GAAD with BarrierBreak

BarrierBreak marks the 11th anniversary of GAAD by inviting experts in the field of accessibility to talk with our employees. We are excited to have David Banes – Global Access & Inclusion Consultant and Matthew Brennan – Accessibility Program Manager share their thoughts with our employees on 19th May, 2022.

Unintentional Exclusion to Intentional Inclusion

CarMax & Edmunds, leaders in the automotive research and retail space, are collaborating with Level Access, an industry leader in digital accessibility consulting, to create an interactive event for their employees that is both informative and fun to recognize GAAD! The agenda will include interactive games, raffle giveaways, and a session on how to take product creation from unintentional exclusion to intentional inclusion.