Conexão ExD – Conheça as frentes de acessibilidade

Conexão ExD Conheça as frentes de Acessibilidade No dia 16 de maio é celebrado o Dia Mundial de Conscientização sobre a Acessibilidade (em inglês, Global Acessibility Awareness Day – GAAD). Nesta data, empresas e organizações mundiais fazem ações voltadas para o tema, e nós também vamos aproveitar a ocasião para falar deste assunto! Convidamos você para conhecer as iniciativas de acessibilidade em que os times de Experiência e Design e o Hub de Acessibilidade estão atuando. A acessibilidade faz parte das nossas premissas para a criação de experiências, por isso é sempre importante pensarmos nela desde o início do processo e em todas as etapas.

Global Accessibility Awareness Month

Over the last several years, Liberty Mutual has been on a multi-year journey to create an even more inclusive and accessible workplace. To increase the company’s digital accessibility and inclusion practices, in May, we launched a month-long series of virtual and in-person events to enrich employees understanding of what it means to create accessible products. Focused on design and development, through 15 events we explored topics such as inclusive innovation, accessible-first engineering, web accessibility and more. The program was run in partnership with the organization’s employee resource group (ERG), Able@Liberty + Allies – which supports people with disabilities, caregivers, and family members – providing first-person insight into the impact of accessible product design.

Softrams Accessibility Jam

Thursday, May 16, 2024, help Softrams celebrate the 13th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). This 4-day event is to raise awareness about the importance of accessibility in our work to create websites/applications that can be enjoyed by a wider audience. Emphasizing the collaborative nature of accessibility, dive into a world of inclusivity and innovation as we host a series of training events, engaging seminars, and live webinars. Whether you’re a seasoned accessibility advocate or a developer just starting your journey, our schedule offers something for everyone. Gain valuable insights, learn best practices, and connect with Softrams experts and fellow enthusiasts. Together, let’s champion accessibility and create a more inclusive digital future for all. Events: May 14 – Employee Training: GAAD – Digital Accessibility Foundations (Session #1 OPTIONAL) May 15 – Navigating Digital Spaces for those with Visual Impairments May 15 – Why Accessibility Matters, the Significance of Automated Web Accessibility Tools, and Who Can Benefit From Using Them May 16 – PUBLIC EVENT. Designing for Accessibility (with HX team members) May 16 – Employee Training: GAAD – Digital Accessibility Foundations (Session #2 OPTIONAL) May 17 – Employee Training: GAAD – Digital Accessibility Foundations (Session #3 OPTIONAL) On Demand Events: Accessibility Beyond Compliance (GAAD 2023) Cognitive Load Workshop (GAAD 2023) AI and Accessibility Accessibility Training 101

UW GAAD 2024

A morning of interactive hybrid accessibility workshops culminates with the 2nd Annual UW Digital Accessibility Awards Ceremony.

PayPal Thrive Month 2024 – Accessibility Roundtable

PayPal’s Disability ERG, Thrive, and the accessibility team are hosting an accessibility roundtable featuring voices from across PayPal, spanning from UX to engineering. Our product teams will share their insights, challenges, and triumphs in making our products accessible to all.

Upstart honors Global Accessibility Awareness Day

We’re hosting an internal information session to emphasize the many ways Upstarters can continue to put accessibility front and center in our work. Senior Software Engineer Dillon Arevalo will lead the team through the different aspects of web accessibility, why they’re important, accessibility features we’ve implemented here at Upstart, and what we’ll look to implement next.

GAAD DACH bei Atos (intern)

Wir freuen uns, Euch am 16. Mai, 9.00- 9.30 Uhr, dem weltweiten Global Accessibility Awareness Day ein Atos Teams Live Event für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz (DACH) anbieten zu können. Walter Hündl, Deputy CEO Atos Tech Foundations GER und Beatriz González Mellídez, Head of Accessibility & Digital Inclusion Atos Tech Foundations CE, werden Euch die Bedeutung von Barrierefreiheit für uns als Unternehmen sowie unsere innovativen Lösungen und Ansätze rund um das Thema Accessibility präsentieren. Seit mit dabei – über diesen Link kommt Ihr direkt zum Teams Event! Weitere Infos rund um das Thema GAAD hat Global Communications für Euch hier im Tech Foundations Sharepoint platziert! Nutzt die Chance, informiert Euch und feiert mit uns den GAAD!

Jornada de reflexión sobre la accesibilidad y la inclusión en Plexus Tech

Será una oportunidad para que los trabajadores de Plexus Tech aprendan y puedan contribuir a hacer de la compañía un entorno más inclusivo, poniendo en valor la accesibilidad en todas las disciplinas del trabajo, desde la conceptualización de un proyecto hasta su desarrollo. Dará la bienvenida Gloria Romero, responsable del Área de Accesibilidad de Plexus tech. Se presentará un video especial sobre la inclusión de personas con discapacidad en Plexus Tech, con testimonios de los compañeros/as José Delicado y África Fernández. Ellos compartirán sus experiencias personales, cómo afrontan una jornada laboral y cómo superan las barreras en su trabajo diario. Habrá una mesa redonda para discutir las actualizaciones y requerimientos legales para empresas privadas y públicas. Participan: ⁠José Delicado (Consultor Senior Plexus) Susana Palleros (Miembro activo del X3C) Pipi Márquez (Miembro activo de IXdf) ⁠Ignacio Ojeda Aguirre (Director de la IA de Plexus) Gloria Romero (Heard Accessibility de Plexus)



Training program on digital accessibility implementation for Information technology officers

Digital Accessibility awareness and implementation technical sessions in the morning and afternoon for 50 information technology officers of the bank.