Editoria di varia, scolastica, universitaria. Come diventare accessibili entro il 2025?

In vista dell’entrata in vigore, nel 2025, dello European Accessibility Act, un incontro rivolto al pubblico professionale per presentare i progetti che editori di vari segmenti di mercato stanno realizzando per produrre e distribuire pubblicazioni digitali accessibili. Con: – Andrea Angiolini, Direttore editoriale e responsabile area digitale, Società editrice Il Mulino – Filippo Floridia, Coordinatore produzione eBook, Gruppo Mondadori – Claudia Napolitano, Coordinatore-Responsabile organizzativo, Pisa University Press – Cristina Mussinelli, Segretario Generale, Fondazione LIA L’evento è organizzato nel contesto di Aldus UP (www.aldusnet.eu), cofinanziato dal programma Europa Creativa della Commissione Europea.

Accessibility Matters – Making digital products for everyone

Have you ever wondered what it’s like for people with disabilities to experience the world? What are the unique challenges for them to use applications? And how can design help in making sure the products we build are as inclusive as possible? Join us at our upcoming meetup where you’ll learn not only why accessibility is essential but also how to implement it in your own work habits. Accessibility is foundational for creating an inclusive society. At our meetup, you’ll learn about the different ways that accessibility can improve people’s lives. We’ll be discussing how accessibility affects everyone, regardless of their abilities, and how it can make our world a more equitable and inclusive place. Our meetup is designed for anyone who is interested in learning more about accessibility and its benefits. Whether you’re a developer, designer, marketer, or just someone who wants to be more informed, this is the perfect opportunity to expand your knowledge and network with like-minded individuals. By the end of the meetup, you’ll have the tools and knowledge you need to create a more inclusive and accessible online experience for all. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from experts and get hands-on experience with accessibility. Join us and make a difference in the lives of people who rely on accessible websites and apps. See you there!

Getting Charity Digital Accessibility Right

Event overview: Accessibility in digital is an important consideration and one which can often get overlooked owing to the perceived complexities it presents. Our event aims to help charities develop a greater understanding of digital accessibility, and includes talks from accessibility experts and charities who are making headway in their digital accessibility journey. Speakers include: Andy Hall, Inclusion Lead at Scope, who will be sharing Scope’s journey in digital accessibility; Azlan Cuttilan, Accessibility Champion at Just Giving, and active member of the WCAG 3.0 accessibility standards steering group; Ettie Bailey-King, Accessible and Inclusive Content Consultant, who will be sharing advice and practical tips for your own online content; Alex McGibbon, Director of Innovation & Accessibility lead at Giant Digital, who will be sharing some innovative free ways of using AI to improve your website accessibility. This event is specifically for charities and non-profit organisations and tickets are free – they can be booked here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/getting-digital-accessibility-right-tickets-532419199157 You can see a short overview of a recent event here to give you an idea of what to expect: https://youtu.be/RA70AePvn18

A11y Bytes Sydney

A11y Bytes is running on Global Accessibility Awareness Day for the 11th time, and is being held in person for the first time in 4 years. Join us in Sydney for a series of lightning talks to talk all things digital accessibility and inclusion. You don’t have to be an accessibility aficionado to attend. This event is about us all talking, thinking and learning about digital accessibility and inclusion together. Take part in A11y Bytes and connect, be inspired and have some fun as we talk, learn, grow and change the world.

A11y Bytes Melbourne

A11y Bytes is running on Global Accessibility Awareness Day for the 11th time, and is being held in person for the first time in 4 years. Join us in Melbourne for a series of lightning talks to talk all things digital accessibility and inclusion. You don’t have to be an accessibility aficionado to attend. This event is about us all talking, thinking and learning about digital accessibility and inclusion together. Take part in A11y Bytes and connect, be inspired and have some fun as we talk, learn, grow and change the world.

Accessible Media Internship Presentation

Presentation of my work with NECC on accessible media and of the importance of digital accessibility. Event for Clark families and friends.

Access Success with Microsoft

Participants of this workshop will have a field trip inside Microsoft Vietnam offices and explore the various digital accessibility functions and features of Microsoft Office for classroom, professional & everyday use.

Access Success with Microsoft

Participants of this workshop will explore the various digital accessibility functions and features of Microsoft Office for classroom, professional & everyday use. Guest speaker: Ms Van Anh Huynh, Customer Success Account Manager and Vietnam Lead of Accessibility, Microsoft Vietnam

digital inclusion: Creating a more accessible world

In the spirit of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), we’re excited to host this webinar about Digital Inclusion. GAAD is celebrated to get everyone thinking, talking, and learning about the importance of digital inclusion. During the session, our panelists, Ken Meeker, Executive Coach & Disability Advocate and Lori Frisher, CEO/Disability Empathy Strategist along with IAMCP Co-hosts Ashlee Duenas and Susan Sanders, will share best practices for designing and building more inclusive digital experiences. We’ll also explore the latest assistive technologies and how AI will impact the future of accessible tech. Plus, we’ll provide recommendations for next steps to guide your journey.

A11y – Accessibility – Dostępność

A11y – Accessibility – Dostępność w Gdańskiej Galerii Zmysłów. Spójrz na świat swoimi zmysłami. Dostrzegaj niezauważalne, poznaj zmysłowość ciemności, zapachu i dźwięku, aby zrozumieć ograniczenia osób niewidomych. Zapraszamy na zwiedzanie wystawy stałej w ciemności. Ponadto, dwa równoległe warsztaty prowadzone przez personel Gdańskiej Galerii Zmysłów: – dostępności aplikacji i stron w systemach IOS i Android w obsłudze bezwzrokowej, – praktyczne aspekty dostępności stron internetowych, dokumentów L-Braille oraz przykładowe programy mówione.