The Globant Global Accessibility Awareness Day

At Globant, we are passionate about promoting inclusivity and ensuring equal access to information and technology for all individuals. To celebrate the Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD), we are excited to raise awareness about the importance of accessibility amongst the young incoming talent of the Industry. Together, we can make a digital world which is well-suited for everyone. What’s In Store For You? 09:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Registrations & Coffee 10:00 AM – 10:15 AM: Keynote 10:15 AM – 10:30 AM: DEI At Globant 11:00 AM- 11:15 AM: Interpreting Digital Accessibility 11:20 AM – 11:35 AM: A11Y – Uniquely Abled, Together 11:45 AM – 12:00 PM: A11Y – It’s a basic Human Right 12:15 PM – 12:30 PM: A11Y – Principles & Compliance Levels 12:30 PM: 12:45 PM: Empower Accessibility: Test to Include 12:45 PM – 1:15 PM: Accessibility and AI 1:00 PM- 1:30 PM:Hands-on workshop 1:30 PM Onwards: Networking & Snacks

Palestra: Acessibilidade em projetos culturais – por Bárbara Barbosa

Bárbara Barbosa é uma mulher negra neurodiversa, Tradutora Intérprete de Libras. Especialista e Pioneira em Acessibilidade em Ambientes Culturais, mãe de duas crianças autistas, ativista pelos direitos das pessoas com deficiência e mulheres junto aos coletivos Quilombo Preto com Deficiência e Mulheres com Deficiência Sobre a palestra: O encontro abordará a importância da acessibilidade em projetos culturais, destacando as melhores práticas e estratégias para garantir a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência e necessidades especiais.

Zugänglichkeit transdisziplinär: BarriereFREIES Gaming und Arbeiten

BarriereFREIHEIT als Menschenrecht einer zugänglichen Gestaltung der Gesellschaft ist ein zentrales Zukunftsthema, aber bislang keine prominente Thematik geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Hier liegt ein großes Potential für gesellschaftlich engagierte Geisteswissenschaften, einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur transdisziplinären Bearbeitung globaler Grand Challenges zu leisten. Forschungsperspektiven richten sich auf Technologien und Kulturen der Zugänglichkeit in globaler, kulturvergleichender Perspektive. So kommen Mensch-Technik-Weltverhältnisse als Konstellationen wissenschaftlicher, politischer, rechtlicher, wirtschaftlicher und (medien)technologischer Innovation in den Blick. Wir bieten die Gelegenheit, das Thema (digitale) Barrierefreiheit/Accessibility praktisch und spielerisch zu entdecken. Anlässlich des Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) am Do 16. Mai 2024 und in Verbindung mit dem Bonn Lab for Analog Games and Imaginative Play stellen wir analoge und digitale assistive Technologien im Gaming-Bereich vor, die auch praktisch ausprobiert werden können (z.B. Microsoft Adaptive Controller für die X-Box). Ebenso lassen sich ausgewählte Low- bis High-Tech Lösungen zur Verbesserung der Barrierefreiheit am Arbeitsplatz praktisch erfahren. Testing Demo / TIY – Test It Yourself Reifegrad Einstieg Assessment für Organisationen Barrierefreie SVG (Vektor Bilder) Barrierefreiheit in Dokumente MS 365, Google Workspaces, PDF

GAAD 2024: Local Guides

As part of our annual commemoration of GAAD, we shall have an online forum for the Local Guides community to discuss our contributions towards accessibility on Google Maps and inclusive technology available for users.

Nothing About Us Without Us Celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2024

GAAD aims to educate and inform people about the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in accessing digital content and technology. To increase awareness about the importance of digital accessibility and its impact on individuals with disabilities.

Workshop on Accessibility for government IT Officers and Engineers

One-day workshop to raise awareness among government officers, IT professionals, and engineers about the critical importance of accessibility for persons with disabilities. During this interactive session, we will explore the following key areas: Understanding Accessibility: Learn about the fundamental principles of accessibility, including web accessibility, physical infrastructure, and communication. Legal Framework and Rights: Discover how international conventions and national laws advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities. Understand the role of government agencies in ensuring accessibility. Challenges and Solutions: Explore common challenges faced by persons with disabilities and practical solutions to enhance accessibility. Engage in discussions on inclusive design and assistive technologies. Best Practices: Gain insights into successful accessibility initiatives and best practices from around the world. Learn how small changes can make a big impact. Collaboration and Commitment: Discuss the role of government agencies, IT departments, and engineers in promoting accessibility. Explore ways to collaborate and create a more inclusive society.

Ask the expert: Well-Tagged PDF vs PDF/UA-2: die beiden neuen Standards, die PDF-Barrierefreiheit neu definieren

Die meisten haben es wohl schon mitbekommen: PDF 2.0 gibt es schon seit einigen Jahren. Jetzt ist der darauf basierende Standard für PDF-Barrierefreiheit erschienen: PDF/UA-2. Was ist wichtig? Muss man es jetzt schon unterstützen? Wann wird es relevant? Was bedeutet es für die aktuelle Praxis, barrierefreie Dokumente zu erstellen? Ziemlich zeitgleich wurde auch “Well-Tagged PDF” veröffentlicht. Das kann für Verwirrung sorgen. Und genau deswegen klären wir in dieser Ask the Expert-Session zusätzlich die Frage: Wo liegen die Unterschiede? Und was ist für mich relevant? Klaas Posselt wird allgemeine Informationen über “PDF/UA-2” und “Well-Tagged PDF” an euch weitergeben. Er hat selbst an PDF/UA-2 mitgearbeitet und kann uns deswegen ultimatives Insider-Wissen mitgeben und alle Fragen rund um das Thema beantworten.

A11y North #1 | Celebrating GAAD one day early

Brought to you by some familiar faces of A11y Leeds, plus a couple of new faces, A11y North brings together accessibility advocates and inclusive design professionals all the way from Watford Gap to John o’Groats. Our launch event will be hosted at the Cinema of War at the Royal Armouries, consisting of an opportunity for networking not seen since before the pandemic, amazing guest speakers and plenty of time for you to get involved with the discussions. Speakers include David Fazio – Speaking about their own personal journey; Ben Tillyer – Speaking about why claiming conformance can be damaging; Stark – Speaking about Accessibility Maturity Models

Washington DC GAAD Meetup – Drinks with Joe Devon and Ben Ogilvie

Join Joe Devon (co-founder of Global Accessibility Awareness Day), Ben Ogilvie (Head of Accessibility at ArcTouch), and other DC-Metro accessibility professionals to celebrate GAAD with drinks and a social get-together at Red Bear Brewing! Please register ahead of time so we know how many tables to hold, and when you arrive, get your first round on ArcTouch. We look forward to connecting with you! After the event, you’re invited to stick around for Red Bear’s open-invitation ASL Trivia Night (English interpretation included) from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Venue Accessibility Notes: Service dogs welcome Near public transit Ride share/taxi can drop off near entrance Wide entrance with ramp, but lacks automatic opener Accessible all-gender restrooms near bar area Picnic tables with clearance/space for knees Lowered bar seating area Indoor and Outdoor seating available (weather permitting)

Accessibility Meetup Poznań IX – Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Join us for the Global Accessibility Awareness Day celebration in Poznan! Participate in several activities. Among others, discover how accessible Allegro’s OneBox parcel machines are, step into the shoes of people with disabilities in the Barrier Breaker activity and utilize opportunities for networking. Also, we have two notable presentations lined up: one by Dominika Łukoszek and Kuba Dębski from the Centre for Information Technology (COI, Centralny Ośrodek Informatyki) who who will take us metaphorically to the botanical garden and tell us how it relates to accessibility, and the other by Agnieszka Maciejewska – the Accessibility Coordinator at the City Office of Poznań, talking about her experiences with Poznań city’s accessibility. The event is free (registration required) and will be translated into Polish Sign Language.