At Salesforce, the Product Accessibility and Inclusive Design (PAID), Office of Accessibility, and Abilityforce team are excited to host a number of events honoring GAAD. We’ll be hosting a fireside chat with Paula Goldman, EVP of Ethical and Humane Use of Technology, and Dr. Victor Santiago Pineda, serial social impact entrepreneur and disability rights advocate, on Inclusive Innovation with AI. They’ll discuss how AI can be leveraged to create accessible solutions for people with disabilities, the role of inclusive design in AI development, and what new technical capabilities and opportunities are emerging as a result of inclusive AI. Continuing our conversations with AI, we’re offering a roundtable discussion on AI & Accessibility, with special guest Mike Hess, founder and executive director of Blind Institute of Technology and last year’s Dreamforce Golden Hoodie winner. This session will be moderated by Catherine Nichols, VP of the Office of Accessibility and include Jacqui Tolisano, Senior Director of Product Accessibility, Kris Woolery, Director of Inclusive Design on the Responsible AI in Tech team, Orlando Lugo, Product Manager for Ethical & Humane Use and AI Council member, Patrick Hermiller, Senior Product Designer on the AI Trust team, and Mike Raabe, Abilityforce President We have employees with disabilities hosting an informal Ask Me Anything: Disability Edition. Adam Rodenbeck, Senior Digital Accessibility Engineer, Alicia Schriever, President of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing chapter of Abilityforce, Brooke Eby, ISV Principle Business Development Manager, and Carden Wyckoff, Principal Accessibility Support Engineer will talk about disability etiquette, different models that shape the way people approach disability, and answer burning questions in an interactive conversation. From Tuesday through Thursday, Salesforce employees globally are excited to be working with Be My Eyes, an organization that connects blind and low-vision users who want sighted assistance with volunteers.